Chapter 14: My Destiny

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My mother's book of spell was one of the most treasured belonging I ever had. The fact that it contains a lot of magical knowledge and wisdom, was not just the only reason I treasure it but because it was hers, my mother's. It was like a piece of my mother's soul and I made sure to make a tribute on it by practicing and bringing to life all those spells in the best of my abilities. I placed the beloved book on the panel table in front of me as I looked at everyone.

Being abducted by your own family was not exactly odd from me and it will not going to happen again. If they wanted to communicate with me they should do it in a proper way because in my gut this will just be the beginning of my encounter with them. When it happens I will be ready.

The Super Team, gathered on the panel room of the DEO. Since the National City government returned the DEO in the care of J'onn and Alex, our old Tower was merged on the building of the DEO hence became our official headquarters. J'onn hugged me and asked how I was feeling and told him that everything in my body feels fine now. "Being knocked down once or twice was already taken lightly by my body, maybe I should make my own suit now or something." I told J'onn and this made him chuckle. The lovebirds Nia and Brainy made a quick hug too letting them know that everything on me was fine now. "Alright guys, I'm sorry I made you worry this past days but glad that I am in one piece now in front of you. Please not to worry anymore. I know that it was quite obvious you were not able to locate me swiftly on my abduction since the ones who took me, guess who, my witch side of the family." This statement has given me a not surprised reaction from the team but a narrow tension since again we are currently discussing my family related problem to deal with. It seems like this kind of problem never cease to follow me. Why do I always have family issues? God this thing never gets new.

"For these past years' comrade, we have faced an extremely powerful magical being so I supposed if we will get to face one with someone with magical abilities again I know we can surpass it with flying colors." Brainy shared his intellect, reminiscing the tough time we had dealing with Nyxly, the Fifth Dimensional Imp. "I guess that would be fair statement, but we are talking about a whole coven here Brainy. I do not know how many they are or how powerful they are but I will let it come up to the point that we will be fighting one of them for the instance. I gathered all of you here as well to let you know that I will be dealing with them for my own. One thing you have to know about witches was they are not that lashing kinds if they are not provoked." I explained to them remembering all what Ed Hunt has shared to me when I was with him.

"Lena, why they have taken you? What was that for? Do they want you to go back to their kind? Why would they take you now? I will not permit them to take you again without my consent." Kara has been silent the whole time but I know she has a lot of questions and that includes if I will need to leave them for some reasons. I can see the pain in her eyes thinking I was being torn again between my family issues.

"Kara when I was taken to this Manor whom I can say the place where the coven stays, Edward Hunt was in there." I told them. "You mean Ed Hunt the new reporter at Catco? I know he has this Irish accent but it never occurred to me that he was a wizard or something too. Damn if I found him I will let him surely find what he was looking for." Kara made a gesture to flee seeing her red face from the anger. "Kara stop let me finish, stop being hot headed for a second. Just stay here, with me." I tried to ease her anger and her blue ocean eyes stared back at me with a slow burning fire on it. She has to be calmer than that as I was not even on the half of the story. She just nodded and relaxed a bit and I continued.

"Edward Hunt told me that they, the Coven, are trying to help me. He said that the day I was kidnapped that I was in danger and they were just trying to help me. I do not know who he was referring to since I was busy trying to escape and all and not willing to attentively listen to what he was trying to imply. I tried so many spells I can muster just to escape but all my magic spells just disperse so I was locked up for a while. I tried so hard to concentrate so one of my spells can work somehow in desperation I talked to my mother, asked her some powers. I know it was impossible but magic was connected to emotions and thinking about her made my powers somehow stronger so I managed to escape. I got caught up by Edward though and he tried to persuade me to go back with him so the coven can further explain to me what was happening. He had told me that I was gifted with 'magic beyond measure' as he called it so I must return to the coven. At one time I got curious and wanted to know more so I let him take me back." I paused for a while remembering the place Edward Hunt had taken me. The big old maple tree my mother once showed me. My mother's face come to my mind and it made me tear up but did not let it come through. "Once I allowed him to take me back, he brought me to a familiar place where an old tree can be seen, standing on a great lake and I somehow recognize it from one of dreams. Edward Hunt told me that I probably recognized it not from a dream but from a memory." The memory flashed on my mind like it has happened just yesterday.

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