Chapter 24: Fly Through it

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Kara's POV

"Any news for the vaccine, guys?" I flew in the DEO and everyone was busy on their stations checking for any progress on the current situation. It was almost 24 hours since the virus hit National City. As much as we are afraid of virus becoming epidemic, we are already too late to stop it since first thing we have confirmed the virus came from the other side of the border. What we are now trying to stop was it to become a global crisis, a pandemic.

"The vaccines are already assessed to ensure they meet acceptable standards of safety and efficacy using clinical trial data processes. I am still in constant communication with the WHO and CDC, I am afraid that if we already acquired it the scope of the affected have already reached the pandemic state. We are doing everything we can use to speed up the trials." Alex said checking in and out with the government.

"J'onn, I will be heading to the Fortress of Solitude. I'll be getting some intel that can speed up the testing of the vaccines. My father might have something there that we can use." I told J'onn as I readied and turned to open up a portal, another portal made its way and opened in just inches from mine.

"You're going out just as I just came in?" the woman I was missing for the past weeks came out from the purples lights of the transmatter portal watch like we all have now. She walked through it with grace like a ballerina in her final pose and just that, cat caught my tongue.

"Lena! I-I...I'm glad you're back." Came in but words inside my head were a little jumbled up to form proper sentences. "I missed everyone here but I'm afraid I can't hug each one of you as of the moment." Lena just said roamed around her sight to check on everyone. J'onn, Alex and Nia waved at her with smiles on their eyes, then Brainy gave her a face mask designed to purifier her oxygen intake. I just stood staring can't helped but be overwhelmed by her presence and to forget I was supposed to be heading out to the fortress.

"Lena, I'll be heading out a bit. I'll be in the Fortress I'll be back before you know it." I told her as her eyes fixated on me, being apart from her again seem a little heavy than before. Why am I being so clingy? That is because you missed her so much and you're in love with her. "Or you can come with me. We can start looking there for something we can add up to the vaccine they are improvising." I just told her never wanted to keep her out my sight again.

"Two heads are better than one, right?" She asked fitting-in her face mask covering half of her beautiful face. "Sure let's go, then maybe we can discuss some of things I gathered when I was in the coven too." Lena's expression changed but I just nodded as she and I entered the portal to the fortress.

The Fortress of Solitude has a lot of memory for the both of us. This is were Lena and I broke apart. It was devastating to remember including the one's I was sent from here to the Phantom Zone by Lex. I just hope I can make new happy memories here because the Fortress has been a nook for me to meditate and to think of other things.

"Shoot I forgot you're jacket Lee, you'll freeze out!'" I exclaimed remembering the cold temperature the fortress has. "It's okay Kara, let me cast a warming spell." Lena just said cooly. In just a snap of fingers, glowing light came inside Lena and I know for sure that's her spell was taking its effect. "I'm warm now." she just simply said. "Of course you are. I can't believe I'm a best friend to someone like a Hermoine Granger. This is so cool." I fondly said as we get to the Fortress's control room. "I think I'm way cooler than your famous Hermoine Granger, can she even understand Kryptonian like I do?" She asked teasing and I laughed to her cockiness. "Ohh, that is something she missed out, I know there were not Kryptonians in that wizarding world but still I know you're way cooler than her. In every way." I replied watching Lena blushed from the remaining visible parts of her covered cheeks while she was already making her way to the console dashboard. "You're being adorkable again Kara." She just responded opening up database for well-known viruses ever known in the universe. I watched her half-faced beauty focused to the database hologram images in front of her. Then a question occurred to me. Did she just come her because something is bad going out there? I felt like if this epidemic has not occurred I will never get to see Lena again. I know that was being selfish but it made me feel incomplete, without her near. Again, is this one way of the universe to tell me I can never be with Lena Luthor? I felt a pain in my chest, something nothing can even a wrecking ball can give.

Kara and Lena: Fly With You (Supercorp After the Season 6)Where stories live. Discover now