Chapter 9: Her Voice

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Kara's POV

Lena was missing for almost 24 hours now and I can't find any trace of her. I flew almost across the world just to see any sign of her and hear even a faint sound of her heart beat. The sound of it always keeps me calm and not hearing it right now makes my anxiety propelled to the roof.

She was kidnapped and I was certain that the ones who made that gigantic whirlwind were behind it. With that something clicked in me.

"J'onn, Alex, Brainy can you trace the energy signature of the ones who made the whirlwind. I certainly cannot feel Lena everywhere but it is a big chance that who every behind that huge tornado took Lena. Wherever the person is, there is a big chance Lena was there too."

"I'm on it." Brainy's scanner was beeping from different directions and the sounds connect to my brain making my head dizzy from worry. Lena where are you. "It's done I pinned same signature to the 3,554 miles from our location, New Foundland, Canada. The energy signature was no longer visible on the area but it has traced that the same energy has been used around 18 hours passed on this location." Brainy reported then it clicked. "That's Lena's birth mother's hometown. Wait, does it means... I have to found out. There is a great chance that Lena's in there. J'onn, will you come with me?" I asked J'onn and he affirmed it. "Stay here guys, I'll let you know if we need more back up." I instructed Alex and the rest and I received a nod from all of them.

J'onn and I flew to the location Brainy has sent to us and we arrived to a wide forest. "We're here at the location but I can't see anything not even with my x-ray vision." I got confused and I turned to J'onn. J'onn used her psychic powers to trace anything from the surroundings but like me he cannot sense any. "I cannot sense anything too but this is unusual I believe it is here my gut tells me but as we know Lena came from long line of witches and it is possible that whoever took her are connected to her somehow. It only tells me one here that there magic unable us to see them." J'onn concluded and I hate to agree but he is right. Whoever was behind Lena's kidnapping it only gives us strong connection to Lena's past. "J'onn I can't just leave I know something is in here maybe we just have to look past behind on what we can see, J'onn I need to find Lena. I need to." I am trying not to panic because if I get it I will be doomed. The team was listening in the comms and I can feel worries too. When we are on a mission Lena was always been there to help find solution but being her as the one we are trying to find I felt lost. I know now where to start looking but it keeps getting us to a dead end. We searched the whole radius of the pinned location but we cannot find or sense anything. It's getting dark and I felt helpless seeing she was already gone for the whole 24 hours and we only got the location of the energy signature of the ones who conjured the whirlwind. I cannot lose hope I have to keep looking. J'onn and I agree to take the opposite directions to cover more areas. I flew up and tried to calm my nerves. I tried to listen for the familiar heartbeat buried to my mind on a permanent, of the woman I am in love with. Lena, where are you? The wind swished and a faint whisper was captured on my ears. "Kara." Lena? That was Lena's voice and it's coming downwards. I flew down and again I heard the Lena's voice. "J'onn it's underneath that why we can see it. I have hunched but my x-ray vision can't pick up down there the area was scattered with lead." I told J'onn on our comms. "I can sense some faint energy signature down there Kara. You're right. There has to be something in there." J'onn said. "We need to take a look J'onn. Alex were going down. Standby." I told Alex. "Alright be careful and keep me updated. J'onn held me and phased us through underneath. J'onn took a lot of time to phasing us through solid ground till we landed to a wide hallway. It seems like there was a new world beneath the ground. This has to be it.

"Alex, Brainy do you copy us?" the comms was just buzzing in my ears and I know for sure that the reception will be negative." J'onn and I were deep down and no communications with the team but I know we are looking at the right place.

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