Chapter 38: Destiny or Choice

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Lena's POV

"Winn, how can you possibly heal her? Is there something in the future can?" I asked him as she wheeled Kara to his space ship hurriedly. Mindlessly I just followed him inside, frustration and heaviness of the situation that slowly seeping in. I feel helpless for Kara. Even though how much desperate I am for each time passing that Kara was not responding to any medication I was still worried how this is going to be for Kara's well-being."

"I wish I have more time to explain everything Lena but trust me this is to save Kara today and correct the future." Winn brought Kara to a much bigger isolated room than we had at the DEO and right there Kara got enclosed to small incubator reminded me of her space pod.

Winn has busied himself to activate everything inside that little pod where Kara was in. After a few seconds the pod made her look a little better that she was seconds ago. Still by the look of it, I feel like there still a lot she has to be in to fully regain her strength. What Winn said a while ago, intrigued me though. Correct the future?

"What you mean by correct the future, Winn?" Winn checked everything and geared the ship, his silence for a moment made me feel worried than I was. What the future supposed to be, seemed so far away but what was happening in this moment seemed like a crucial thing. That is by the look I see on Winn's face as he looked with his green eyes with great concern.

"Lena, Supergirl passed away earlier than the future I am in has lived on. She died because of Pestilence virus this time. It then changed the course of the future. It created a chaos upon chaos that destroyed not only this Earth but a big portion of the universe. Someone literally changed a huge part of the future, we don't know whose responsible or how did it happen. We are at process of locating and gathering facts on the incident but Kara has to be alive in this era. That is the top priority and my mission. She has to or the future will not be what it should be. I need you to trust me on this Lena. I'll send a recording to everyone after this to explain everything we have gotten on the situation but before that I need you to know one more crucial thing. This is for you and I know you might be reluctant." Winn said everything in a hasty time, the look in his eyes made me think of the thing I was trying to leave behind at the back of my head. "What was it?" I said in all courage.

"The blood union, it has to happen and it needs to happen the soonest or everything and everyone will be under the damage of the horsemen. A lot will be killed Lena, including all the ones we love." Winn said and my eyed widen in horror. I was about to question his knowledge about the blood union. Only the coven and Kara has that information but since this man I am talking with was from the future, I can barely dismiss his rule over the idea. "There must be another way." I said looking at face of Kara inside a lonely pod, she once again being enclosed to, lock away from that is happening in the world.

"I know how much Kara taught us that. We came across a lot of that situation so many times but turned out that what's the right thing is what's best for today, to save everyone." Winn said and times we have encountered the same things, facing villains and monsters, what matters on the time being was the best option to save everyone. However the reason I was delaying that option was obvious. I can't face Kara now that she knows how much I love her but to choose to offer my body to summon the demon on horses back to where they belong, I can't stand to think how Kara would react on that. However, in the severity of the situation seeing when travelled all the way here to correct a great anomaly in the future. The time has come to put that messed up option in front me.

"No matter how much this would hurt her, I am doing that to save everyone, including her." I just replied, thinking everything now like I was riding on a roller-coaster ride, constantly swaying me in so many directions that I don't how to grip the railings anymore.

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