Chapter 22: Pestilence Arisen

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Third Parties' POV

"What about 30 bucks? That's all I got dude." The white man in a red cap with KC logo written on the front was waving the cash he just said counted to his companion. The two men were grinning excitedly as they saw their team entering the arena. "Dude you'll be broke Patrick Mahome may be good but this year will be tough." His companion said ardently. "Have a little faith dude." The first guy just replied as they meet more of their friends and sat on the benches joining the growing crowd.

Cheers echo on the open arena as the game started. Flags of red, white and gold can be seen on the benches with every touched down and roars of winning cheer to their team accompanies it. Though beyond the lively crowd, an opportunist lurks among them, seeking any chance to initiate a plan that will start a global crisis. What's inside the head of the opportunist wearing a red and white outfit to match the crowd he despises was darker aside the internal disgust he felt towards the pool of human race. He hates them more than anything. They are the race that condemned most of his kind for the last century. How can be this talentless, annoying, weak group of people can cause so much pain for his kind? This is laughable but he knows his revenge will be finally served from what the coven has planned. All he had to do was to spill it to any one of them and that one person can be a carrier of their brilliant plan without wasting more effort from the coven. Just one drop, everything will change for the betterment of the coven.

He was pulling a small cart with steaming hotdogs and buns. His surroundings were not aware that the next customer he will have will be the recipient of a vile curse. "Can you give me five buns of that my friend, this game was getting intense and so are the stomachs of my idiot friends." The tall man wearing his red cap with a large KC letters printed on his cap that looked amused talking about his colleagues. "It sure do I got you friend, five it is." The opportunist handed his customer's order and showed his most appealing smile to his customer. "Thanks bud." The lamb just replied to the friendly-toned seller. Little did he know it would be the last meal he will enjoy.

"Dude, are you OK? Do I stink? That's the tenth time you sneeze while we pull off from the parking." The playful retort of a man to his friend behind the wheels, his red cap still on his head as he drive both of them to their respective apartment complex. He wiped his nose while keeping his eyes on the road. "It can be. You smell like garbage honestly." He responded jokely but his foresight becomes a little dizzier as time pass by, without thinking clearly he pulled out to the side of the road. His stomach was getting more upset too and he immediately went out of the car to release the inside of it. "Dude I think you ate too much hotdogs." His friend patted his back as he occasionally removed his friends red cap to fan his friend. His fingers got a swig to his forehead to feel that he is burning hot. "Dude I think you're having a fever. Come on I'll drive you home, I'll just take a cab to get to mine's." His friend did not reply but occasionally slowly went inside the car to seat on the passenger's side.

"Dude this is crazy, on second thoughts I'll get you to the hospital." His friend decided to go straight to the hospital, seeing his friend just fainted inside the car and was dangling forward to his seat belt. He sped off to the nearest hospital, wondering why his friend suddenly got unwell when they just enjoyed the game a while ago. At the emergency waiting area he clutches his best friends red cap as the doctor examined his friend. The light in the hospital was getting dimmer as he observes it or was it? He questioned himself as a light sneeze escape from his nose. Unease starts to rise from his chest as dryness of his throat was becoming massive. He stood up from the nearby bench he was sitting and gave a glance to his friend which was still being checked by the attending doctor. He hope he could let his friend know he would be back right after he will get some water bottle to the nearest vending as the dryness on his throat and the humid environment makes him a uncomfortable, but since it's just the two of them he just mind to make it quick. He managed to get what he needed after pressing the machine. He twisted the cap of the only brand of water bottle he can choose from the machine when suddenly dizziness occurred to him. He thought that the hospital lightings were behind it but it seems like it was getting heavier. He does not know what have happened right after but he knew he have dropped the bottle he was holding, its content might have spilled all over the floor but he was not sure since blackness has already taken over him to care more.

The morning came and not just the two friends got the same sudden fever, so does his other friends and the people they met. The virus which was still being determined has started to spread not just in Kansas City but to its neighboring cities as a Super zooming in and out early in the morning. This said virus was becoming epidemic in just a blink of an eye. Like a charging horse towards its course, it did not stop until it reached its finish line.

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