Chapter 7: Whisper in the wind

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Lena was all in my mind for the past hours now. Since I woke up this morning my thoughts always comes back to the night she told me she was in love with this woman. Catco was busy as always for the deadlines and currently I was working with the coverage of the L-Corp partnership with Cobalt Tech later tonight that will be held on a charity ball at L-Corp. Lena invited me of course to be her date which I hesitated for a bit since I told her it could be an opportunity for Lena to ask the woman she said she was in love with during the ball. Lena was a bit flustered when I said that and I thought she got pressured for what I said. Lena just came to terms to her feelings and her I am telling her to make a move.

But truth is I wanted to meet this mystery woman. The woman my Lena was hopelessly in love. Lena said that if I don't want to be her date to the event she completely understands and that she'll just meet me on the ball. I don't want her to feel that I was rejecting her or something it wasn't my intention but I was hoping she would consider what I said, her inviting this woman she has feelings with. She might be pretty busy at the moment so I was not able to apologize and laid down what I really wanted to happen. I just thought that I will just talk to her later tonight on the event and explain it to her.

I just sighed on my desk, checking all the reports I needed to polish since the proofing made was not proofed at all. I drowned myself to the papers and trying to distract my thoughts away from a certain woman with bright emerald eyes.

"Kiera shouldn't you be getting off from the office now to change? Oh yeah right you're Supergirl no need to rush because well we all know you can do anything on your super speed. I perhaps still have a lot of work to do just to be the best. People will be following my image tonight, as it always required from a fashion elite like me, so I have to really go now." Ms. Grant rolled her legs away from my office as she waved me good bye. "Wait its only 4:30 there still a lot of time." I looked at my wrist watch but Ms. Grant was already walking away. "Not for me, Kiera." And that she was gone in her personal elevator.

Again I sighed chewing the insides of my cheeks feeling agitated. What if Lena actually invited the mystery woman? I may be excited to see her at the same time kind of hurt since, I know to myself how badly I wanted to be that woman instead.

No matter what I do my mind just slips back to her.

I decided to finally finish all that has to be done and made a follow-up on my team that was already in L-Corp for the event. I moved my ass from my desk around 6:30 pm so to get fixed up for the 7pm event.

"Wow I think this red dress suits me more than I anticipated." I told myself seeing my reflection on the wardrobe mirror. My blue eyes were aflame on top of the red dress. I looked at the clock and its 6:55 pm and I know I can be in L-Corp by two 2 minutes the most so I dived in.

When I entered at L-Corp I immediately spotted Lena talking to some well-built man. He has a stocky body and I can see Lena was trying to explain something to the man and it looks like he was impressed the way the woman was expounding everything to him. I don't want to use my super hearing but it was always hyper aware when Lena is nearby. Lena was confident on the new venture L-Corp was collaborating with Cobalt Tech specifically the use of non-harming defensive battle gears that will be offered to soldiers all over the world. Lena's ultimate goal of preventing harm all over the world can be seen to her technology. We cannot control the war or peoples mind about war and as Supergirl, I can personally detest getting involve in human history but Lena proves me that if things cannot be controlled we can always find the parts of it that we can. Lena on top of being a wonderful woman as she is for me, she never fails to amaze the world with her brilliant mind and kind heart.

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