Chapter 13: I Will Stay With You

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I suddenly opened my eyes in panic, realizing I have fallen asleep on Lena's bed. How can I let my guard down again? I dreaded to look at the figure beside me, thanking she was still lying on her soft bed, her breathing visible on the duvet I have placed on her. Looking at her I can't help but observe how Lena was a well-behave sleeper. She was in the same position I placed her, facing me lightly and my hand laced on her. Her feminine manners can still be evident even she was unconscious. Sophisticated, strong, striking and most of all as intimidating as I first saw her. Nevertheless she never failed to amaze me, intrigue me that made me get attached to her and to occasionally fall for her.

What, happened these past days have been a wake-up call. I cannot let the same thing happened her being taken taken away from me without confessing what I have hoarded for a long time. Our friendship has been one of my life line, it is one of the reasons I continued for being me. Right before she knew I was Supergirl, I always wished I can just be Kara to her all the time. Being that side of me was the best for me and I can feel that she was being her best self too when she was with me as Kara. However I realized that it was not the whole Lena. She has wounds just like I have, and completely being me as both Kara and Supergirl for her, made her heal those wounds. The friendship I have with her had already stood the test of time and I know now that whatever the result I can get after confessing my love for her I know we can both surpass.

The room has enough light to let Lena sleep for a little longer. I know she needed some more sleep but I think she has to take some real food now. I climbed down from the bed so I can cook something for her to eat. I prepared some French toast and a warm milk. I placed on the near side table as I lean to her and stare at her peaceful slumber. "Lee. Lena." I softly called her name and she moved lightly till she opened her eyes. I can't help but return a smile as she gazed towards me. "Hi Kara, did I overslept?" she asked and slowly moved to a sitting position. "Not really but I feel like you might be craving for real food now. I made some French toast would you like to eat now?" I asked her as I pointed to the meal I prepared but she just stared at me still. Lena returned the smile and just nodded. "That's lovely dear, I love to take something edible now that I was no longer trapped to some unfamiliar covens lair." She answered and it dawned on me that we have a lot to talk about on what happened to her before I can even make a love confession. It will be sooner though. "We will talk about more of that when you have properly rested Lena." I told her and she nodded. "Of course dear, can I excuse myself first for the bathroom? I feel extremely filthy and I'm afraid I still smell like mud and molds." Lena scrunched her nose and I giggled to her appearance. "You look more than fine Lee and still smells terrific. But a good shower always make me feel better. Let me fly you the bathroom." I lifted Lena in seconds without letting her protest which I knew was coming.

"Kara, I noticed this past time that you were repeatedly unable to ask for my consent before you make things for me." Lena firmly stated though her strict Luthor genes were peeking I can still sense the humor. "If we're talking about consent here, will you permit me to bathe you Lena Luthor?" and that the blush creep in to the pale face of the young Luthor. "That's it, out now. Let me take it from here Zor-El." I laughed as I exited the bathroom and heard Lena giggled inside. I waited for her to finish and as I make another ten French toast for myself.

When Lena returned from the bathroom I can smell her fresh hair from the distance and I can't help but look at the human I fell in love to in a daily basis. Even on a short pants and big t-shirt she looks hotter than ever. "That's plenty of toast Kara." Lena remarked referring to the plate I added on the table but I never left my gaze unto her. "Not for me." I responded as she walks toward me on the table I set for the two of us. Lena returned the staring and it became a staring contest between us. Moments went out and I feel myself pulled to face her in a short distance. My brain's getting a little fuzzy as her sweet hair intoxicate me more on her proximity. "Are you ok with warm milk?" My thoughts went back to my almost empty mind when Lena made the first contact. I was taken aback on what Lena just did. She hugged me. At first, the hug was a little loose but became tighter in a few moments. My sensitive sense of smell takes in her full scent lulling me to ease. I don't think the scent of her shampoo was the one that makes me woozy but because it was her scent, if that actually makes sense to you. The feeling comes close to flying, like I was a free spirit despite being bound by her tight hug. "I love warm stuff, Kara." Lena just responded. I smiled to her response "Like me? I am warm." I retorted back loving how to tease her and I felt the grin in the hug. "Yes I do. I adore you Kara." This response made the butterflies in my stomach flutter their wings like crazy.

"Make sense to me, who would not adore Supergirl she is super awesome." I continued to tease. "Kara Zor-El is way more awesome." This made me grin even more hearing the reply. I can't help but feel extremely light, feeling all of Lena's embrace. "I'm so glad Lena, that I found you back and that you are safe now. I do not know what will happen to me if I was not able to get you back safe." I told Lena and she just buried her face on my shoulder even more. I am a little taller than her and this made her stand on a tip toe to reach it. "I'm glad too that I am finally home. Safe in your arms." Lena's response made my heart swell and I just gripped her lower back firmly to let her know that what she said was what I wanted her to know every day, that she will be safe in my arms, always.

"Want some French toast?" I asked back. Lena nodded then answered. "I'd love to but first please put us back on the floor Kara." It has not occurred to me that I lifted us a little when I returned her hug. "Yeah right." I giggled as I place us back to the floor of her penthouse.

When we're done eating Lena stated that she has already recovered and announced her plans for the day. We will be going back to the DEO to discuss her kidnapping incident and who was behind it. I know I am worried about Lena but thinking the ones responsible for what happened to her will be not taken lightly. I do not know what it is to look forward to but I know Lena will going to be in danger in no certain time. I have to be prepared.

"Kara before I discuss what happened to me back there I wanted you to know one thing." Lena made a serious expression and her eyes turned vivid with courage. "What is it Lee?" I answered. Lena undoubtedly said and made clear. "I want you to know that no matter what they say my destiny is I will not let myself be away from you and our family. Please keep that in mind." Lena said decisively. I know I will have some answers from everything I was being confused about this moment but hearing Lena promising me something this serious, I took her words. "I know Lee. I'll hold on to that. No matter what the future brings, I will stay with you. I will not permit to be away from you again." I assured her of that promise and I will do everything in my power to keep it.

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