Chapter 39: A Ribbon Cut Loose

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Almost 9 months later

Lena's POV

I feel like I'm an alien, foreign not just to this world I am living with but as well to my body. Growing up as a Luthor, distinguishing myself on the way the last name inked to society as a destructive force has been a lifetime career to rebuild but living away on that for short time, saving the world from its worst villain has already cost me a great return.

The burgeoning lump on my belly seems to be awake now. A while ago I felt the first kick on the first hour of the morning. She was an early bird just like her mother I guess. I feel like she was being impatient just as I am. I have waited for few days to hear back from Winn, that was nine months ago, but Brainy only managed to get a message from him that she was ok. She has grown back her immune and washed out the virus that killing her Kryptonian cells. She was healed in the future, from the advance technology I was not able to pull out yet here in this era. Thankfully, they have managed to save her there. Though, in order to keep her safe if she has to come back here in this time and for the safety of all, my blood union with Edward was the last resort I decided to take on. However, the result on the end was this.

The memories of great chaos that fall upon the city sat on my mind. Edward and I managed to summon the Five Horsemen away from the surface, pull them back down under. Our blood stained in the middle of the turmoil to perform the ritual. The vision was unpleasant seeing the ground opening just like how Moses parted the Red Sea, when we both casted the spell only case is the flowing water was of fire. Some would disregard the idea of hell but to what happened nine months ago, everyone will consider it as their awakening to practice their good deeds because sure is hell was real. The blood union served its purpose to save the city and so has the world. As for the future everything turned out fine in the neck of time, all this went just fine, except for my heart.

I received another kick from the little one inside my womb. She might already be hungry so I decided to take a walk by my unlit kitchen to fix myself some sandwich and glass of milk. The first weeks of my newly accepted destiny I fall to some sort of depression. Alex and Kelly helped me a lot to accept the reality that I am blessed with the child now. Though she was conceived from a separate reason, not from love but for the benefit of a human kind and alike, she was still my child and she needed me to survive. After all it was preordained she will be the seventh witch of a coven I have no intention of letting her be her only family. Seventh Witch. I sighed as a walked through the living room, a title with so much responsibility a little child should not be exposed to yet.

I watched the sun rose from the skyscrapers of National City its beaming light seeps through my balcony that reminds me of her. The golden sunrise, like Kara's hair flowing to the gash of wind as she flies to the whole city. Her sunny personality I wish to replay in my mind before I sleep and when I wake up. I missed you, Kara. Will you ever come back home?"

My soon to be born child will be arriving. We are all expecting to see her, me especially and it could be anytime now. I remembered how much Edward wanted to take me with him to live by the coven as the child needs a father more than anything in the world. I refused of course, it's not his decision or mine if the child wanted to be in that family. It was hers, Clara. Since she was not yet ready to decide on that, I will still take full responsibility just for myself to give birth and take care of her till she's ready to face the world on her own. To weigh everything and learn her bloodline has of responsibility to lead, or so if she would accept it just like I did.

I may have chosen to be alone in this endeavor but my family never left me for a second. Alex and Kelly were always there to support me. J'onn was always there to calm me down if I felt in panic that I may be overdoing or underdoing anything with the baby inside. Brainy and Nia was excited as well and brought me more than enough food, some are not of my liking due to my crazy appetite, but still gave me all I wanted from time by time. Even Esme, the now seven-year-old, puff-ball of energy thrilled to hear that her soon to be cousin was on the way and can't wait to play with her the soonest. Still there is someone I wish will be there with me though she may not happy to see me after everything, Kara.

She never came back from the future yet. Alex communicated with her from time by time that she and the Legion were in need to sort something out before she comes back here. The future was in the middle of war with a villain name Xenon who was changing and affecting a lot dynamics in the future including the great portion of developing technologies there. A delay I was thinking not just her reason in coming back here. I was thinking maybe she never wanted to see me again after I betrayed her. I tried to ask Alex about that hunched but she dismissed it, saying Kara may have other reasons for staying awhile but I should never be guilty of saving her and all of us. She may just needed some time.

I don't have the courage though to make her to come back here. I have not yet spoken to her after she was brought to the future. Ever since the day the two of us made our confession and for those moments we spent alone in the Fortress of Solitude, I just don't have the guts to make the first move. Even though I missed her so much, the guilt I have was unbearable. I feel ashamed that I spoke all the sweetest words to her on that time telling her I loved her with all that I am but chose to sleep with someone else the day after. Day after day just passed still me having no courage to communicate with her and the time just slip away as I wait in silence waiting for her to come back on her own. Now I'm trying to fight the tears that threatens to escape as I inhaled a deep sharp of breath to control myself early this morning.

My thoughts got distracted when I heard my cellphone vibrated on the nearby table. I composed myself before answering it as I saw a DEO line on the caller ID. "Hello." I said with no emotion not really thinking who might be on the line.

"Lee- Lena?" The woman's voice on the line breaks a little. Though she stutters just by saying my name, it never failed to send goosebumps all over my skin.

"Kara? I- I...where are you now? Did you come back?" I'm a little unsteady hearing her voice on the other side of the phone. Just like hearing her voice on a recording inside my head.

"Yes, I'm at the DEO right now." She said her tone seemed gotten serious right after. Distant silence then fall upon us. My head went blank but tried to focus as much as I can. Kara already made the first move the least I can do is grab my balls and be brave to finally talk to her on everything that has happened on the time she was away.

"I'll be there, in a moment. I need...I need to talk to you but it would be better if I can see you in person." I said to her in all strength I can muster.

"Sure we can talk but maybe later there's something I need to catch up with Ms. Grant for a moment." Kara said all in rush to end the call. "Oh, okay later then." I just said in defeat hearing how she wanted to finish our conversation on the phone. Maybe she wanted more time? But how much longer should I wait?

"I just wanted to call you to let you know I'm back not to be rude or anything." Kara said on line. She was trying to tell that in a light manner, still in everything we have in the situation. It was rude to know she was back but not really wanted to talk to me.

"Nothing is being taken as rude here Kara. I'll see you when you have the time then. Bye Kara." I ended the call immediately feeling heavier than I am, with even more than of the addition of eight-pound weight on my belly, heaviness I cannot lift anymore. I know the stress was affecting her as I felt her wiggle inside me.

"Sorry honey, I know my emotions affect you too, your mom really sucks right. You're not even born yet but I'm being a terrible mother already. I promise you though that we can do this. Just hang in a little bit. Everything will be okay. Okay?" I stroked gently the big baby bump and waited for her to calm down, right then she did. I'm trying to fight the tears again, feeling deeply sorry on how things turning out for me and Kara, but mostly for myself.

I tried so hard not to cut the ribbon loose, Kara and I used to share. Tip to end we hold on no matter what life through on us. However, hearing from Kara after a long time the ribbon seemed long forgotten, cut loose by time I don't know if I can ever recover. After all I chose to save her, not to save me. She may have given up already, gave up on us when she knew what I did. I slumped to the nearby couch in defeat. Tears escaped from my eyes no matter how hard I tried to fight it.

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