Chapter 17: The Prophecy

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I was my way on the Tower as Alex called me for a special meeting. National City was already casted with the afterglow and the sky was in mixture of pink and orange. Exhilarating sight can be seen in my back but I have important matters to head on than looking at the beautiful view as of the moment. Landing on the Towers balcony I noticed everyone was already present, J'onn, Alex, Kelly, Brainy, Nia and Lena was circling the sofa. My eyes focused on Lena, I have not seen her all day she still look as pretty as always but she looked a little tense.

"Lee." I called and she looked at me. Her eyes were dark green and I can't help but come to her and hold her. "How are you?" I asked on the hug. She took off her embrace and told me she was fine. "Good, just wanted to discuss to you guys what I have got so far from the coven." She said.

"So, you made the contact, how did it go?" I asked gently as Lena took a deep breath then looked at each one of us. "I managed to summon them, the woman with black hair and hazel eyes, Calixta. Was she the one you met at the castle?" Lena asked me. "Yeah she was the one who cursed me." I answered thinking of the woman who was responsible for Lena's brief disappearance. "Right, well she told me she was my aunt. My mother's elder sister." Lena said and this did not surprise me.

"She told me some things that I don't really believe fully and surpasses my imagination. As she told me, truth as she said that well, I am the Sixth Witch, the Supreme and it has responsibilities I would never ask for." Lena said and I just listened attentively. She caught it as to continue and we at the Tower tried to take in what Lena said next. "Being the Sixth Witch, I was destined to have powers beyond measure. I can get to control anything. I can create, I can destroy, I can heal nor take a life. She said I was destined to rule the coven and if I deny it they will perish and so am I, including the future child I may have. Everything on my lineage will be dependent on my power. That responsibility is so much to take in. This was written in some prophecy."

Lena looks exhausted. The news might be very much to take in. I remembered when she was first to unfold that she was a witch. She was in denial of the truth of she was and slowly she got a hold on it was like crossing a mountain when all of your life you were bred to cast the sea. A whole 360 degrees turn. Now this added to her unimagined expectations.

"Lena if that is the truth, I understand that having that kind of responsibility will be difficult but you don't have to worry we are all here to help you manage or accomplish anything that comes to this truth." I assured Lena. This revelation was so much to take in. Imagining how Lena can conjure those powers was frightening and she must be scared but no matter what it is I know I will be there to help her.

"Thank you Kara, but I have to be sure of this first. I cannot trust the tales I need proof. She just told me this and I know what I am capable of as of the moment. How can I have those powers? And how can she be sure that I am this Sixth Witch they claim. I asked this to Calixta and she told me that this prophecy was already written in the Book of Supremacy hidden on the hollows of Nixon Valley. She said that is naked on the public eye. I tried accessing the location to my lab but it only gave me vague details. If I was the witch the prophecy was referring to, I need to see it for myself."

"So this Nixon Valley, that's were we can find this book. Never heard of it. Brainy?" Alex inquired and the Coluan immediately answered.

"Lady Comrade I already accessed the location of this said valley. Based on the archaeological myth and tales the said Nixon Valley was just folklore to where the Book of Destiny was hidden. This was hidden by ancient Pagans to guard with curse of unworthy to seek their own destiny will be lost forever on their path when it will be tried to be accessed." Brainy diverted as to the ancient history of the valley as we looked at the wide screen. "As stated it was also named to as the Forbidden Valley."

"The Book of Destiny, was it the one the Anti-Monitor has? It may be referring to the Book of Supremacy too. The book can literally make things exist and not. Destiny can be made and changed if taken by the wrong hands." I told everyone and Lena just zoned out for a moment.

"I have to see it. I want to see my true destiny." Lena said firmly. She was determined and so am I, we need to know the truth once and for all. "Then I am coming with you." I shoved.

"Kara, you did hear what Brainy have said didn't you? The valley was dangerous, those who are unworthy to seek their own destiny may be trapped to something inconceivable. I don't want to risk that, not a chance. I won't let you. I have to get their alone. Far more it is my destiny we are talking about." Lena conveyed with conviction. No matter how much she protests I will not let her come alone to that valley.

"You said it right, those who seek for their own destiny Lena. It was just that simple, I am not looking for mine we will be looking for yours I believe that was just the logic. I know we can do that. Moreover I don't need to know mine, I already have a hunch on it." I said looking at the woman I was dreaming to be destined with but the right time will come for us to finally acknowledge it. I just hope we will be both on the same page.

"Kara has a point, she can come with you. We will keep on Patrol." Nia suggested.

"As we all know two heads are better than one, we do not know fully what this valley was capable of. When something was off it is best you have someone who can help make correct choices. And to call for back up." Kelly added making a strong point.

"Fine Kara but you have to take my lead. You may be a Super but magic was something you cannot fully face alone. I will have to have you covered." Lena surrendered taking up my offer.

"You know I was just as stubborn as you." I teased her earning a smile from the green eyed woman.

"You are damn right about that, Kara Zor-El. Rao help me with this woman. She is literally hard headed like steel." Lena giggled as she shook her head in disbelief.

"I know you'll protect me Lena as much as I will with you." I'm certain of that thing as I l told her. "So where this Forbidden Valley pretty much located at exactly?" I inquired to Brainy.

"About 152 miles north of from the center of the Canadian border about 653 miles north from its Newfoundland and Labrador capital St. John's. The journey will be handy by the used of the portal watch travel which I really found fantastic with its new upgrades and fabricated design." Brainy flexed the watch Lena helped designed to the both of us. "Glad you liked the modifications. As a woman the flicks will surely suits us." Lena said as she took some of her gadgets with her and a bag of take outs. "Lena you will be bringing snacks? That's great." I chimed. "I was not planning to at first but if you're tagging along I know I should be prepared." Lena took the five boxes of dimsum and potstickers as I can smell them to a narrow purse she was putting into. My eyes went big when it all literally all got inside despite on its size.

"Lena did you just recreated the magical purse of Hermione Granger?!" I called out with such a great awe. "I may have taken it as reference. You see it does come handy." Lena replied as she pocketed the purse on her coat.

"I love magic." I just said as Lena chuckled to my amazement.

"We should get going." Lena said informing everyone.

"Be careful guys. Just let us know if you needed back up." J'onn spoke and hugged us and so are others.

"Don't worry we both have our backs." I told them as Lena put in the coordinates and open up the portal.

"Alright Kara let'sgo catch some book and find out my destiny." Lena said and without secondthought I took her right hand from my left as we slowly enter the portal. Herwarm fingers tips intertwined between the spaces on mine, placed like lostpieces. My heart leaped at the same time as we got through the portal.

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