Chapter 11: Touch Me

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Kara's POV

I feel extremely disappointed and it is starting to sip out inside me. The fact that I did not take any concrete lead of Lena's whereabouts but ended up getting cursed by an nerve-wracking witch made me mad. I need to recollect myself. Something was not right about this place that hinders me from locating Lena but I am positive she is here or was here. I don't know and I will figure it out. "Kara, how are you feeling? Are you ready to go now?" J'onn asked and I touched my chest feeling it getting to its normal working condition. "I'm fine now J'onn, thank you for getting me out of there quickly." J'onn, my third father just nodded as he firmly squeezed my shoulder. "Let's go Supergirl. We will find Lena we are not giving up in this lead yet." J'onn then added giving me hope.

We were ready to depart when suddenly I hear a loud crash in a near distance. My ears picked it up that it was not that far. And then my ears picked up the sound I was looking for like forever. "J'onn its Lena's heartbeat I can hear it now. This way! Fast!" I called to Jon'n and he followed me at the center most part of the forest. I scanned the area and there she was lying on the ground. In a matter of seconds I got in to her. "Lena! I am here you're safe now. Just hold on". I told Lena as she closed her eyes before me. "J'onn, help!" J'onn shifted beside me and looked at Lena. "Kara she just lost consciousness. Her head has lump and its slightly bleeding. Let's take her to the DEO quick." I nodded. I slowly raised Lena and carried her bridal style. We flew immediately towards the direction of the DEO. "Lena I'm here now. You're safe now please hold on. I will never let you out of my sight again." I whispered to Lena but I know she can't hear me. So I just told myself this.

We arrived at the DEO, J'onn communicated with Alex and Brainy while we were flying that we found Lena. "Kara put Lena her. What happened?" Alex asked while she was looking at Lena's injury and busied attaching cords to her body. "I don't know exactly Alex I found her unconscious on the forest near the location we pinned. I don't know what happened before we got to her." I feel like I was being drilled inside while watching Lena in one of the DEO tables. I have plenty of experience on this beds recollecting how many times I woke up to it barely remembering what happened to me. Alex was monitoring Lena's brain activity, heart rate, temperature and everything inside her to see any abnormalities. On my opinion everything was in good condition but Alex was the doctor here and I need to know from her to be sure. "Her vitals are all normal. Currently she has just passed out. We will further check on her but I need to take care of her wounds first. By the look of it, it looks like she hit her head on something hard like a wall, other than that Lena's fine Kara." Alex directed to me Lena's status and I feel like I can now breathe. I have been holding it for the moment I saw Lena laying on the ground like an abandoned puppy. After I breathe out a tears freely flow down my cheeks. My entire family who was worried sick of Lena's abduction can now breathe too. Nia who's just beside Brainy witnessing my break down came closer to me and hugged me, thanking for bringing Lena back. My defenses fell down and melted with the hug. Alex was attending to Lena I know she would like to hug me too, but seeing me comforted she just smiled that made me felt that I have nothing to worry anymore, that Lena is safe with us now. When she wakes up I wanted to be there so I stayed with Alex as she attended Lena's wound. I am not going to let her out of my sight anymore.

Alex managed to stitch Lena's cut around her forehead and now being lighted with a healing lamp to rapidly heal open wounds. My sister excused herself to wash after attending to Lena's wound. She hugged me and I told her that I will be keeping an eye for Lena awhile. She nodded and I left alone with Lena. She was a little bruised too but she will be healed and her wounds for maybe a week. Her heart rate on the monitor was in regular motion but I wanted to hear it for myself. As I listened it was steady a beat and the sound gives me a comfort.

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