Chapter 45: No Harm To Make Its Way

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Kara's POV

I looked at small angel in my arms as her whimpers subsided a little, her small eyes was still damped but I know she's not yet safe not until I take them both out of here. My eyes roamed to Lena's, her pale face on her extremely weak body meet my eyes. She's looking at me like she wanted to say a lot but her body was too tired to even say hi. I myself was unsteady, I don't know if I can carry them both out of here in time. My chest was tightening again that it makes me think of one thing, Calixta has already recovered from being thrown off the wall. I saw her standing not far away and my chest seemed on fire, it's travelling through my throat that the pain made me stuck to my place. One quick blow, I manage to attack her with my freeze breath but Calixta deflected it in one swing. My actions are too slow that she managed to swerve it in time.

"My my think showing up here would make any difference? You are hopeless Supergirl. These so called supremes were useless now, why don't you give them up now on me so we can remove those useless things from the surface. I might give you your life as a reward." Calixta paced forward at me as I once again struck down on bended knees. I gripped tightly on the sobbing child in my arm there is no way I'm giving up any one of them. One swift look on Lena's weak picture behind me on the ground, she was trying so hard to keep her eyes open. I have no idea what did they do to her but I know Calixta must have done something that left Lena this powerless. Some elder which and wizard was scattered motionless behind her. Calixta was stronger than before I can sense it right through her. There is no doubt she snatched Lena's supreme powers.

"The power you have now does not belong to you, Calixta." I said in labored breath. "Why don't you give up that, I might give you another chance to clean your name to this coven."

"Huh, don't be absurd Supergirl. I am the coven. I am the reason they are still here I don't need their approval. Now, why don't we just end everything here? I still have a lot to catch on. You know, rule the world?" Calixta said laughing on an irritating voice. "Give me that girl Supergirl. Step aside or face my wrath."

"Over my dead body, Calixta." I said reassuring, as I shield myself from what was coming.

Calixta swang her hand to throw what seems a powerful spell and I braced myself waiting in anticipation. Burst of light shone between us as the contact of the spell never came. A wall of shield protruded in front of me and Calixta was surprised as I am.

"Whatever damage you have done here Calixta will not be continued after this. I will defeat you myself." Ed move forward as he continued to cast the force field in front of us. His spell made a powerful barrier that protected us from whatever destructive curse Calixta was trying to throw on us.

"Huh, don't make me laugh Edward. Even without my new found power, you do not stand a chance in dueling me."

"Why don't we try? Do your worst, Calixta." Ed's irises turned to a deep orange like it was on fire. Edward phase out on the shield he made and moved head on head with the older witch. The two exchange spells and curses like battling on flashes of lights while I try to gain strength from my obstructed breathing. I have to take them out of here while Calixta was distracted. I owe the timing to Edward and I will thank him later when I safely take Lena and her daughter home.

"Lena,'s me. We have to go. Please hold on tight on me, don't ever let go. Ok?" I tried to steer Lena awake and she was trying to take command on her body as well. She nodded weakly and clasps her fingers on my cape. We were about to exit on the scene when Calixta gripped forcedly my cape. I was thrown off the wall together with Lena. My heart skipped a bit when I tried to check the little one on my arms. I was hoping she was unharmed. I groaned with frustration and anger seeped through me as I saw Lena been knocked down a few inches from me, she lay unmoving on the ground. Every muscle on my body twitch, my blood started to rush uncontrollably as I skipped towards her. Edward was nowhere to be found. Calixta may have overpowered the young wizard but not me. I gently placed Lena's daughter beside her and sucked in a deep breath. Lena's still breathing that I thanked Rao for it. Pain was still in my chest as I try to focus on what's ahead. Calixta's curse on me streaks through my air pipes but I amazingly tolerated it. The anger I have for her overpowered that curse, she brought this for herself. I never felt angry like this before.

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