Chapter 1

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Philza's POV

TW: Mentions fighting, mentions killing, mentions death

I stared at everyone in the room in horror.

Wilbur- my son- would be hunting me down?Trying to kill me?

I couldn't stay here.My family and friends would be in danger. I needed to go and run as far as possible.

I went to leave but Techno stopped me.

"No. I'm coming with you. You can't fight as well as me. I can protect you and me." Techno said.

"But what if he changes his mind and comes after Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo?" I mumbled even though I knew there was no changing his mind.

"They can look after themselves very well. They all know how to figh-" He was cut off by Tommy.

"Using some telepathic talking skills, we have decided that we will be coming along with you. Family hike trip?" Tommy exclaimed while Tubbo and Ranboo nodded- looking somewhat excited actually.

"No. You guys are not coming along. It's too dangerous."

"Please Dad!" Tubbo pleaded.

"We'll be good! And as Technoblade already said we can take care of ourselves and fight pretty well!" Tommy begged.

"You're acting like toddlers!"

"Please Phil! It'll be family bonding time!" Ranboo said looking at me with the biggest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen.

My heart melted when xe called us family. They actually considered us family.

I glanced towards Techno who was also trying to suppress a smile. He had also realised what Ranboo said.

I sighed and smiled.

"Fine. But please all of you- Don't die." I gave in.

The trio began to cheer. But I couldn't help but be worried.

Was I leading them to their deaths?

A/N idk maybe I haven't decided yet.

I don't really tend to work out all the finer details of my storyline's. It's more just- 'here's a beginning, middle and end work with that'

I'm not very prepared lol. 

Heck I haven't proofread or edited anything I've written except school assignments. And even then I sometimes just bullshit my way out of them and wait for someone to realise they've been kneeling before my throne of lies. 

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