Chapter 15

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Ranboo's POV

A/N This will be the Christmas chapter. I know this'll be late and probably like- January by the time this comes out but CHRISTMAS SPECIAL!

If this makes you uncomfortable in any way you can skip it. It won't be super relevant to the storyline. I'll have at the end just a brief recap for you guys since I am planning on adding something in that's fairly important.

But other than that I hope you enjoy!

TW: Murder/Assassination type shit, swearing

CW: detailed food descriptions

I woke up and immediately ran out of my tent and grabbed a small stick.

Then ran to Tubbo and Tommy's tents and immediately began bashing their tents with the stick while screaming at the top of my lungs: "IT'S CHRISTMAS WAKE UP!"

I heard the rustle of blankets and then they ran out and hugged me.

"Oh my god it's snowing- HOW DID WE NOT FREEZE LAST NIGHT?" Tubbo mumbled tiredly, while Tommy matched my energy and screamed "MERRY CHRISTMAS, DICKHEADS!"


We then all went back into our tents and changed into warmer clothes. When we came outside again Wilbur was sitting there with McDonalds breakfast and some well wrapped presents.

My heart melted slightly. He went through all the effort of going and getting us food and presents for a proper Christmas.

I smiled and sat down and began to dig into my meal.

I smeared the butter and syrup all over the pancakes and stabbed my fork and knife into it.

Wilbur then handed me and Tommy hot chocolates and Tubbo a coffee. I smiled and thanked him before continuing to eat.

A/N :o I just realised this is my book I can make this chapter as long as I want and I can make the food as detailed as I want. MY HUNGER SAYS YES TO DETAILED FOOD

I watched as the sticky golden syrup fell down the stacks of light fluffy pancakes. The butter began to melt and soak into the stack giving it a sweet and salty taste. I took a sip of my sweetened hot chocolate as it began to snow slightly, falling and getting caught in my hair.

Tommy looked at me offended. I raised an eyebrow at him and he handed me one of those fancy cocoa chocolate bombs you see online. (A/N literally describing the breakfast I want rn)

I dropped it into the warm drink and me and Tubbo watched mesmerised as it melted, making marshmallows float on the surface. "Can I have a sip?" He begged. I handed my drink to him and when he took a drink his eyes widened and he handed it back.

I put it up to my mouth and when I got a taste I stopped.

It was- absolutely delicious.

There was a minty hint from the candy cane and it was ridiculously sweet from all the added chocolate. The tiny marshmallows were all gooey and delicious.

Time skip brought to you by Wilbur's Christmas song with Toxxxic (E/N omg I love that Lol)

I tore the wrapping paper off Tommy's and there was a keychain with allium, disc, crown and letter 'R' charms attached to it, and a royal blue hoodie with a crown on it. I smiled and hugged him tightly. "Thanks Tommy! These are both awesome!" I exclaimed.

Then it was time to open Tubbo's present. Some adorable Minecraft plushies and a fluffy blanket. Perfect for the current weather. "Oh my god thank you so much!" I said while wrapping myself up as a burrito in the blanket. I relaxed. It was very warm.

I then watched as Tommy and Tubbo opened theirs from me. I'd gotten a black hoodie with a picture of alliums growing through the rib bones (A/N I like this style let me be) for Tommy and for Tubbo I'd gotten a white hoodie that had a picture of a bee carrying a bouquet of flowers. They both loved their gifts so that was good.

We sat around laughing and chatting for a while just me, Tubbo and Tommy. My brothers, laughing and joking around at Christmas time. Together.

Later on, however, Wilbur pulled us away from our seriousness and jokes.

"I have something to give to each of you." He said handing us some terribly wrapped gifts.

When we unwrapped them black, navy blue and dark green assassin outfits were lying on our laps.

I picked mine up cautiously.

It was very flowy with a large hood and cape. It had a mysterious and magical vibe just like an assassins outfit should. The navy blue, black and green would make camouflage easy.

It would be perfect for executing a murder.

And yet I laughed.

A/N so basically the important gifts in this chapter are assassin outfits, basically like black, navy blue and dark green long, flowy mysterious sort of jumpsuits sort of things. It's more foreshadowing for the future.

Anyways have a great day/night and remember to take care of yourselves. Take any medication you need to take, bind safely, drink some water, have a shower or bath, have some food (even if it's small) and take a nap/go to sleep okay? You're all so amazing and I'm so proud of you all.

-Kai <3


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