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Cloud nine.

Dave's POV.

I felt so much resentment towards Jessica for keeping this amazing soul from me all this time.

I wonder when she planned on telling me, because I get the feeling that had it not been for the accident I would still be in the dark.

To think I felt sorry for her upon finding out about the accident,I wanted to be there for her, and I was willing to do anything to make sure that she survived, only to find out that she's been keeping my son from me all this while.

I doubt she would have done the same for me had I been in the same predicament.

I've never known anyone so evil, I mean how can such a beautiful person be so ugly?

I honestly wish I never met her, because at this point hating her feels like a waste, right now I wish we never ever ever crossed paths. Ever!

Because I don't think there's any point in her life where Jessica ever felt anything for me, I would say it breaks my heart but don't think my heart knows how to feel anything anymore especially when She is involved.

I should have known better than to open that part of myself like that, for the devil to rip out the bits and pieces that were left.

You got me good Jessica Darling, you got me real good, but not this time, not with my son.

When the race was over I picked up little Junior, he looked so cute in the tiny leather racer's Jacket that I got for him, I got myself a matching one too before the race began.

We walked out of the VIP section, and headed to the collectables booth and I got him the familiar red sports car with the number 52 imprinted on it in yellow. It's the car he has been cheering for through the course of the race and it's the car that won, I was very impressed and he was very excited.

He is so sweet to be around and he made me feel free. A feeling I haven't felt in a very long time.

"Now we look cool." I said as we put on matching black sunglasses, and he giggled wrapping his tiny arms around me, I returned the hug, breaking it to give him a fist pump and that had to be the coolest moment we shared. My son looked like a little bad boy heart breaker.

Some ladies walked by, giving me flirtatious looks and smiling adorably at my baby and my mind was like "Nope! Not Today Ladies."

Junior was too tiny to hold by the hand so I picked him up and we Walked back to my car still wearing our cool jackets and glasses. I Walked with so much pride, having my son in my arms, I felt like those cool guys in the movies walking out of an explosion.

It was at that moment, I realized that I didn't want to miss out on any more of this child's upbringing, I want to be there for every part of his life, when he loses his first tooth, when he learns how to ride a bike, when he has his first crush, his first heart break, when his voice starts changing,even the cocky teenage stage that will have me at his throat everyday, I want to be there for all of it and that's a mission I would accomplish.

My Son, my very own flesh and blood, who would have thought.
I can't believe you Jessica.

I wasn't sure about any allergies he had or any other extreme medical condition, so I decided to play it safe, getting waffles with vanilla ice cream and some raspberry syrup for the nice tingly bittersweetness,  and we both enjoyed every bite we took out of it.



"Tucker! Tucker! Look Dave Tucker," Junior jumped pointing to a blonde little boy who just Walked in the diner with a Lady, he looked a little older, but not too much, maybe two years older than Junior.

"Oh hey Junior!" The little boy walked over, smiling excitedly at us, as his mother picked up an order.

"Whoa Junior!! You got a Daddy?? That's cool, I got a Mommy as soon as you left." The boy said looking at me in admiration, and I couldn't help but wonder what he meant by that, I mean I understood what he said, but why would he need to tell Junior, and what did he mean by "as soon as he left"

"It's my fwend Dave." Junior said pointing at me,

"Hello Mr, its nice to meet you, gee I gotta go, see you around Junior."

"Bye Tucker Bye."

"It's Tucker my fwend," Junior said taking a bite out of the tiny pieces I had cut up his waffle in.

"he played with me when the bad boys are mean."he spoke the last part in a lower tone, sadness reflecting in his eyes.

"Where? in school?"

"No silly." He giggled and took another bite out of his dessert, playing with his toy on the table.

I was intrigued, something must have happened because from what  I picked this boy must have lived in some kind of children'sHome, it's didn't make any sense but I will get to the bottom of This whole situation.

Jessica what have you been doing to my son?.


"Yes Buddy?"

"What's a Daddy?" He asked and I froze almost chocking on my dessert, how on earth was I supposed to answer that question?? should I laugh and shrug it off? Should I lie? Should I explain what a Daddy is? would he even understand my explanation?

I was deep in thought contemplating what I would say, when I heard Junior laughing, I raised an eyebrow at him questionly.

"You look funny, Do you have a Daddy Dave?" He asked, and Jesus Christ, I would really love to know what goes on in that tiny head.

"No, I don't have one."

"Me too, Mommy said she will get me a Daddy when I'm a big boy. I'll share mine with you." He smiled showing all his tiny teeth.

Good God I love this little man.

... ..........................
Well that was it, Dave's Day with his Son, I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Stay Safe.

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