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Lady luck struck

(5years time leap.) Read writer's Note at the End.

Jessica's POV

"Miss Darling, we need your Signature to confirm the delivery of the fabric."

"Of course Darcey, did you remember to order the satin? Because silk seems a bit too fragile for those Designs."

"Oh yes everything is all done. We have one problem though?"

"Don't tell me Fabrizio is having another fit because he wants all his models to be blonde."

"No, actually it's Security. The Security company we always use for our events has been sold and re_branded and the new owner there is really difficult to deal with, he wants to us to settle a contract with him"

"What? This event is already taking enough money out of me already, I don't have time for blood sucking security companies."

"I... I'm..."

"Don't worry I will deal with it. Set up a meeting with the owner."

With that Darcey my assistant was out of my office. I turned in my seat to take in the outside view of the City. Thinking about the past few years.How I got here, and how I'm sitting in this Chair right now.

Everything happened so fast and unexpectedly, it was all a rush of blurry events which honestly speaking I'm glad are all in the past. I graduated from Design school and a few months later moved to LA to pursue my dream. I found a job as the head designer for Alicia Veliz 's Company, I gained a lot of experience there and having designed a show stopper this one time, my work captured the attention of a Certain Antonio Balle, only one of the greatest designers of all times, he was in his late sixties his face had a few wrinkles here and there but this man could still run a marathon

Flashback. (2years back)

"Great piece back there Young Miss." A man said from behind me while I was busy trying to enjoy the rest of the party with some co-workers, his warm breath brushed against my neck and I turned around in annoyance almost choking on my breath when I saw him.

"Oh my Gosh aren't you??"

"Yeah Yeah! Don't get your panties in a......"

"I.... I. I'm so honored to meet you"
"As am I little lady. Say are you the brains behind that little number on the runway?"

"The brains and the hands, yep that's me."

"Now isn't that interesting do you mind exchanging cards, I would love to have a meeting with you."

"Oh Mr Ba..."

"Please call me Antonio."

"I,,,M.,,,, Sir,,, Antonio, I don't really have a business card but I could write my number down for you."

"That also works." He said and I asked the waiter that was passing by to borrow me his notebook and pen. After hesitating a bit he did and I wrote my number down still waiting for the part where I fall off the bed or my Alarm clock gives me a rude awakening but none of that happened. I was not dreaming it was happening for real. I was writing Antonio Balle my number, I tore the paper and handed it to him and he flashed me a smile taking the piece of paper from my fingers.

"Lovely dress by the way."
"Thanks, I made it myself." I responded and he took my hand in both his, kissed the top of my hand and uttered those

"Ashante.... " Whatever that word is that people say in the movies. "I look forward to having a meeting with you." He said before walking away and wow my new prescriptions must be working up a storm of hallucinations because  what  the heck just happened!! I couldn't believe myself, I spent the whole evening feeling nervous the happiest nervous I had ever been.

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