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Meet the boss.

Back to the present.

"Hey Darcey I'm off to the court house, wish me luck."

"Good luck Miss Darling don't forget your three o'clock meeting with the security company's manager."

"Okay I won't, we really need to get that matter sorted out soon." I said walking into the elevator. Now that I was financially stable, the court didn't see the need to keep my baby in foster care anymore.

Jerks! I've missed out on so many of my son's moments of growth and now he almost has a full set of teeth. Thank God he hasn't started losing them yet and I'll be there for that.

I got into my car, yep I still hated driving which is why I got myself a chauffeur.

"Thanks Daniel." He shut my door and got into the Driver's seat. We didn't speak much because he was way older than me, but I definitely looked to him for advice.

"We're here Miss." He said stopping in front of the court house.

"Thanks Daniel I won't be long, I'm just gonna get some paperwork then we go to the tiny tots children's home."

I said before walking out of the car, I went into the court offices, happily signed the documents giving me full access to my child and permission to take him home with me. I almost leaped and screamed for joy. This feeling was the best I had ever felt in a very long time. I couldn't wait to have my son in my arms, I couldn't wait to kiss him and tell him how much I love him. I couldn't wait to cook for him(without burning anything this time around haha!) And I couldn't wait to dress him up in his night wear and read him a bed time story.

"Hey Veronica, is Jj ready?"

"Oh yes he's been excited all week"
"So have I, you don't know how excited I am that this day is finally here."

"Come through to the backyard he is playing there with other kids."

I walked to the backyard which was filled with a lot of cute babies including my own. He was wearing a cute little baby muscle vest and a blue pair of beach shorts with cute little baby crocks, his hair still messy as a certain somebody whose name Id rather not mention, he noticed me and gave me the biggest smile ever. He ran my way with his arms wide open, I got to my knees and caught my baby in the warmest most happiest most beautiful hug I have ever received.  I felt a tear slide down my face and I squeezed harder on my son taking in his sweet baby scent I felt nothing but joy erupt inside of me the sence of completion upon having my baby in my arms, it just felt so completing I could wait to go home and build a life with him.

"Mom.. Mommy I can't beerth" his tiny voice whispered in my ear and I couldn't help but laugh at his cute baby language.

"I'm sorry baby, Mommy is just so happy to see you and take you home with her today." I said squeezing his cheeks.

"I'm happy to see you too Mommy but I can't go."

"What do you mean hunny don't you wanna live with Mommy anymore."

"I want to, but if I Leewe, no one is go to be her fwend."

"There Ember." He said pointing to a little girl who was playing with a doll near the flower garden.

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