Chapter 2 - "Did you just therapise me?"

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I'm sick of her! Well, I'm sick of her voice. She's so fucking annoying!

'Clean your dishes, Jennifer '
'Pick up your clothes, Jennifer'
'Stop leaving your laptop in the bathroom, Jennifer'


I don't understand what her problem is. I like my mess. My mess is an organised mess. Everything has a place and I know where stuff is when I need it, simple as that.

So when she comes in here, like hurricane fuckin' Hinch, cleaning everything in sight, it means I lose my placement of stuff. I've not had to deal with this shit since moving out of my parents house over a year ago and finally escaping the damn house maids!

Not to mention the fact that I absolutely bombed during practice yesterday, all because she decided to watch us from the bleachers. Like, Who even does that? It wasn't even a game! There was nothing to watch other than the team sweating out a hangover.

I don't know why I let her get to me so much. I know that she enjoys provoking a reaction out of me, it's like it feeds something inside her, but I can't stop leaning into it. I'm normally just quiet and bitchy. I can hold my temper when needed, but she makes me want to go full psycho sometimes with her constant nag nag nag-

"Jennifer? Can you come in here a second?"

See!? I told you... Here comes the nag!

I huffed loudly in response, hoping that she heard me and knows the storm coming her way if she bothers me with something pointless. As soon as I exited my room, I had a sheet of A4 paper abruptly stuck in my face.

I took a brief step back and threw my hands up in the air.

"Alissa! What the fuck dude? You almost hit me in the face with that shit!"

"Sorry! Bad hand eye co-ordination, what can I say!?  Not all of us are star athletes" She joked, shaking the piece of paper in front of me again and urging me to take it.

I rolled my eyes at her exaggeration and took the note, written neatly in a blue ink and dainty cursive, reading it from the top.


Chore cycle

Monday - laundry (cycle weekly between us both)

Wednesday - general clean up (each of should do this once a week)

Friday - Food haul (we go together)


"What the fuck is this shit?" I asked rhetorically, laughing at what surely is a prank of some sort.

"It's our chore cycle" She replied, clearly not understanding the point of a rhetorical question "It's more efficient this way and I've noticed that you hardly do your laundry or clean up around here, so if we just split the work load-"

"Just stop!" I cut her off, getting angry at her constant attempts of taking control in my space "First off, no way on earth would I let you handle my laundry! That's my private shit. Secondly, my mess is an-"

"An organised mess" She said sarcastically, cutting me off like I had done before "Which is still a fucking mess, Jennifer! One that I need to clean up afterwards!"

"No, you don't! Do you not remember the rules about touching my shit!? If I leave something somewhere, leave it there!" I replied, beginning to raise my voice in response to her accusations.

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