Chapter 16 - "I'm gonna be fine"

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I hold onto Alissas hand as we make our way out of the auditorium and through the busy parking lot, with the sound of her melodic voice still ringing clearly in my head from her earlier performance. If anyone deserves a celebratory wine and dine tonight, it's her... plus, I have something I should probably tell her and I figure it'll be easier if I do it over dinner.

Tactical thinking, big brain style.

"So, what does your little heart - or tummy - desire to eat this evening, M'lady? It's a real date this time, so pick somewhere super nice if you want to, we can celebrate! We can pretend to be all fancy... even though you're the only one who's actually dressed to go anywhere" I laugh as we finally approach the passenger side of my parked car

"Choose anywhere you want, baby. It's my treat!"

I open the car door for Alissa, who thanks me with a kiss before sitting in the seat as I await her response.

"I don't know..." she mumbles quietly with a shy smile "and you look cute in your team kit, so shush"

I hang onto the car door for support as I watch her strap in, the sound of the bustling parking lot ambience behind me is almost drowning out the conversation.

"Wherever is good, I don't care to be honest. I'm Hank Marvin"

I stare at her for a moment, trying to decipher whatever the fuck type of gobbledegook she just uttered.

"You're what?"

"Starvin'- Hank Marvin... I don't know, it rhymes! Darren says it all the time!" She waves defensively as she chuckles "It's called cockney rhyming or something, and it means I'm hungry, so hurry up and get your butt in the car"

I shake my head with a smile before following the order, getting lost in my thoughts as I close the door and take a few strides around the back end of my car - then suddenly, everything goes dark... and eerily silent.

What the fuck?

I open my eyes within what felt like only seconds, meeting a heavily blurred vision, something similar to looking through a frosted sheet of glass. The first thing I immediately notice is a consistent ringing noise swelling in my ears - one that I know a little too well from countless sports injuries growing up.

I'm concussed, that's great! Did I fall?

I groan loudly as I attempt to roll myself onto my side, meanwhile what sounds like a commotion nearby begins to grow louder. I momentarily ignore the various aches and pains in my body to try and gather my bearings.

It looks like I'm on the ground.

Noted, genius, but why am I on the fucking ground!? What the hell is going on!?

I snap my eyes shut from the light and lay my head back down onto the warm concrete while it continues to throb intensely.

"You fucking asshole!" I hear someone yell, moments before a warm pair of hands cup my face and lift my head from the concrete.

"Jennifer! Answer me, baby..."

I open my eyes and meet Alissas worried gaze, once again slamming them shut. The harshness of the daylight glaring behind her is causing my head to pound even harder.

"Wha-what's going on? What the hell happened!?" I mumble as the ringing dulls down a little, enough to make out the faint murmurs of a crowd gathering around us.

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