Chapter 13 - "Our sofa?"

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I guess living on campus really does pay off after all!

"I'm very proud Alissa. Excellent improvement on last years score! I hope to see this Continue throughout the year!" Miss Rosenvelt congratulates me, handing me the latest music literature report - full marks.

"Thanks, miss! I have a lot more time and space to study this year, so you can bet that I'll be using it to my advantage" I reply enthusiastically, which earns me a chuckle and a thumbs up, before she shuffles along to the next person.

I head back to the apartment immediately after class, eager to tell Jennifer about my grade, but after the door slams shut behind me I realise - she's already away to practice.

"Shit!" I huff as I throw my paper onto the coffee table in a tantrum, slumping down onto the sofa.

I guess I should be happy for her. Today's the first day that she's finally being allowed back at practice, now that her ankle is pretty much healed. It's only been a week since we went to the movies and it kept dying on her like an old iPhone, but she's adamant that it feels fine, so I haven't argued.

Don't get me wrong, I am happy for her. I'm glad that she's been able to get out and about again, that she's able to do something she loves again... It's just- I was getting used to her constant company, you know? I know it's selfish, but it's the truth.

I stare at the old, rusted ceiling fan above me and sigh, boredom already beginning to set in. I decide to visit Scott and see how well he did on the test, since he had the same paper due, but it was issued under a different lecturer. I make my way down the dull hallway and push the handle to his heavy door, as I always do, swinging it open and entering the familiar apartment.

"Hey, Scott- OH WOW! I AM SO SORRY- I'll ju-I'll just go. Bye- okay, bye..." I stutter as I immediately do a 180 degree turn and back the fuck out of there, tripping a little bit as I rush down the long hallway - shell shocked.

My heart is racing and my stomach is churning - the image of what I just witnessed has now scarred itself into my mind forever. I thought that I was about to projectile vomit, but before I even have the chance, there is a rough pounding on my door - a muffled voice echoing from the other side. I approach it cautiously and listen closer.

"Al, please listen to me! Open the door! I think we should talk about this or it's gonna be weird..."

"You see Scott, THIS is how efficient a LOCKED door can be!" I yell dramatically as I tap the door between us a few times.

"God dammit! Open it, Alissa!"

"Fine! But DO NOT touch me, dude..." I huff, relenting to his plea.

Scott enters and follows me silently into the living area, opting to stay standing when I slump down onto the sofa with a glare.


"What the fuck did I just witness, my dude!?"

"Alissa, can we please just pretend that this never happened? Please!?"

"You want me to pretend that I didn't just see you bent over your damn sofa, getting railed fuckin' doggy style by Dante-"

"Shhhhh!!" Scott hushes me, waving his hands in my face frantically.

"You did NOT just fucking touch me! Oh my go- You haven't even washed your hands yet! Come on, man!" I gag, crawling to the other side of the couch with a grimace.

"I'm sorry! Shit- I'll lock the door if we're doing shit from now on, believe me! My lesson has been learned! I dont need reminded of it any more than you do... and neither does Dante. PLEASE for the love of god can we keep this between us and just never speak of it again?"

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