Chapter 4 - "Fuck it..."

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(TW// Marijuana usage - college party setting)


*2 weeks later*

I felt my phone buzz violently in my pocket as I stood by the vending machine of a dull hospital hallway. I picked up my bag of plain chips and inspected them in disgust.

I fuckin hate this place! They literally smell like death and have crappy food options.

I looked at the notification on my phone and sighed...

+ 1 message from Big Al

I walked back into my brothers room and sat down next to the hospital bed as he peacefully lay sleeping. Thankfully he's recovering really well so far, but he's still fragile from the accident, which means he can't leave just yet. So far it's just me and Belle that have bothered to visit over the past 2 weeks...

Well, Alissa has too. It was only right that she met him, considering how much she's been helping both me and Belle out with it all recently. Our parents have stayed far away for now, as expected and hoped for to be honest.

I looked back at my phone screen, replying to Alissa.

BigAl - Wassuuuppp ✨
Me - What do you want 😒
BigAl - When will you be heading home?
Me - Probably soon. Why?

I wouldn't go as far as calling her a friend just yet, but she's definitely different from the other asshats at our college. Especially my so called 'friends' on the basketball team, who have yet to even ask why I've been absent or if I'm alright. They're just pissed off because I've not been at practice. Coach is the only one checking up with me, but even that's just to ensure that I plan to return to the team soon.

I guess in times like these, you really begin to realise who gives a shit. I haven't had the chance to go for a run or shoot practice hoops to blow off steam in over a week. I began driving us everywhere and doing extra instead of relying on aid. I couldn't let Alissa miss more classes by doing shit for me, she already switched almost four of them to drive me around.

My phone buzzed again in my hands, pulling me from my thoughts as I open the chat back up.

BigAl - Welllll, the party is tonight... just wondering if you'll be there? 🧐
Me - Obviously. I live there dumbass 🤌
BigAl - Yay! It's gonna be epic ✨ How is your brother today?
Me - Ten times better. Hopefully with a few positive test results he'll be allowed home next week.
BigAl - No way!!! That's great news Jen! 💛 I'll see you later on and please don't leave your shit at the door this time? K, thanks!
Me - Got it boss 🫡

I chuckled to myself and shoved my phone back in my pocket, looking over at Belle who is now listening to some music through her headphones, her beanie pulled over her eyes to hold the small white earbuds in place.

"Hey, dork!" I yelled, kicking her leg lightly since our chairs are sat adjacent to each other.

"What?" She groaned, lazily unplugging one ear to hear me better.

"I'm gonna head back to the apartment before people start arriving for the party. You cool to catch a cab later? or are you coming with?" I asked her, standing up to collect my stuff together.

"I'll just stay here for another hour or something..." She replied, sitting up properly and fixing the bangs poking out from beneath her beanie.

"Alright, if you're sure. If you need me, just call... and if he wakes up again, tell him I said he's ugly as shit when he sleeps" I chuckled and bent down to give Belle a warm hug, before leaning over to kiss my brothers forehead.

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