Chapter 20 - "The volcano sauce!"

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Quick note - sorry peeps, I hate leaving notes in chapters so it's short and sweet. I'll delete it when I get a few responses.

I have one request, please comment here if you can/can't see the title art at the top of the last few chapters including this one —>

Your feedback is appreciated as I'm unsure if it's a glitch from my end or if it's affecting the actual uploads. Enjoy the chapter :)


I open my eyes to a blurry haze, but it quickly settles after a few heavy blinks and I instinctually look around the room. It's still early, the first rays of sunlight are beginning to illuminate the dark corners of my room, basking everything in a soft amber glow. After a moment, I find myself unable to look away from the peaceful sight that my gaze wandered towards.

Alissa - my beautiful girlfriend - is still nestled comfortably into my side, deep in a peaceful slumber. Her messy hair and slightly parted lips only add an extra touch of enchantment to the morning as the memory of yesterday's date still lingers in my mind. My heart pounds to a stronger beat for every second that I remain fixated on the beauty beside me.

God Alissa, how can you make me feel so many things all at once?

Time seems to stand still as I trace along the soft curves of her face with my eyes, feeling a rush of excitement beginning to course through my veins. Right here, right now... this moment, it only clarifies that asking Alissa to be my girlfriend has been the best decision I've made to date, and I can't help but wonder if this is what it's like to feel something more than just affection towards someone...

"You should take a picture, it'll last longer" Alissa whispers lazily, her eyes remaining shut as a knowing smirk crosses her face.

Without hesitation, I reach for the bedside and grab my phone, snapping a candid shot of the girl with a challenging look. I save the photo and slide the phone back on top of the bedside, turning to lay only centimetres from her face with a proud smile.

"I didn't mean it literally, but okay..." She laughs, peering at me over the covers with her cute little smile "Happy now, weirdo?"

"As a matter of fact..." I adjust my body under the covers and bring my hand to rest comfortably on her waist, getting lost in the little circles I trace along her soft skin before continuing

"I am. I'm really happy right now"

For a moment, we disappear into our own little world, locked in each others orbit, communicating an unspoken agreement to stay in bed for a little while longer, in order to let this moment last.... Unfortunately, paradise can only be enjoyed for so long, and before we know it the clock hit 9am, indicating that we need to get dressed for our classes, which is what we proceed to do.

"So, uh- I'm stealing your hoodie today, is that cool?" Alissa announces as she pulls one of my boxy-cropped black hoodies over her head, continuing to speak before I even get the chance to respond

"Cool, thanks!"

My hoodie is falling perfectly around her midriff, fitting with the right amount of boxiness that doesn't make it look too baggy, unlike the way it drowns my figure. It pairs amazingly well with the high-waist, black and light grey, digital camo pants that she already put on beforehand. She plays it smart, sticking to the monochrome-like colour scheme by choosing to throw on a black baseball cap, keeping her long auburn locks held back from her face, and slipping on some white trainers to complete the look.

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