Chapter 12 - "Our show"

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The air is cold, the weather is miserable, and my ankle feels like it's on fire...must be the perfect day to visit the family, eh?

I pull up outside the huge white walls of my childhood home, glancing at it momentarily, before cutting the engine off with a heavy sigh. In all honesty, returning to this place feels more like I'm returning to prison, rather than returning home.

I grew up more privileged than most. I should be grateful that I was raised in such a lavish way with plentiful food and massive walls to protect me, but I feel like I missed out on what is the most important part of growing up... a family surrounding me. That's why I hate coming back here. Sure, I have a mother and father, biologically speaking, but sometimes... I wish I didn't. They were absent on business's trips so often that the maids felt more like family than they ever did. Sometimes, I feel like growing up without them would've been easier than a life of rejection with them.

"Hey, are you okay?" Allisa asks from the passenger seat, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Just- don't ask questions if my parents here. Don't point out that they are wrong, even if they are, and for the love of God DO NOT ask what they do for a living. My head can't take the 2 hour breakdown of 'achievements' that they've accomplished over the years of being big business owners"

"Woah, slow down! I'll let you do all the talking, don't worry. It's cool, Jen" She replies with a soft smile, stroking my arm lightly, which seems to help "Try to relax, okay?"

"Okay... thank you. Let's go"

We enter the large house and let the door swing shut behind us. I instinctually take a hold of Alissas hand, seeking some sort of comfort right now, and guide her into the living area. Luckily, it doesn't actually seem like my parents are home.

I should've guessed, to be honest. Some things don't change.

"Hello?" A familiar voice echoes from the stairwell in the hallway.

"It's just me! Oh- and Alissa!" I yell in response, correcting myself.

"Gee, thanks. Am I that forgettable?" Alissa jokes as she lets go of my hand and sits down on the sofa, smirking sarcastically.

"Believe me, you're far from it" I wink quickly in response, biting the bait when I see my chance.

Her face flushes a deep shade of scarlett, causing me to chuckle at how easy it is to make her blush.

God, I love flirting with her.

"Hey, guys! How's it hanging?" Belle expressed in a strangely upbeat manner as she entered the large open living area.

"It's... hanging, I guess? How are you?" I ask slowly, eying the dark haired girl curiously.

"I'm awesome! Why? Does something maybe seem different?"

She starts to strike a few poses out of the blue - one with her hands gracing her hips, then cradling her stomach, and then she turns to the side and throws her arms in the air with a smile.

I raise an eyebrow, confused as to why she's cutting so many shapes. I turn to Alissa who seems to be just as lost as I am, before a flash of recognition crosses her face, turning into a wide and beaming smile.

"Wait, what am I not getting here!?" I ask, glancing between the now smiley pair "Can someone explain?"

"Are you..." Alissa said, avoiding the end of her question, instead nodding towards... Belles stomach?

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