Chapter 8 - "Nug whisperer"

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(TW// passing mention of cocaine / usage and description of marijuana products)


Last week was a complete daze after everything that happened with Alissa. I'll admit, I was having a tough time when we got back from the walk - and for some reason I didn't want to be around her that night, hence escaping to my bedroom in silence - but I didn't think she would just up and leave me.

She involuntarily made it much harder for me to escape my thoughts, but I guess that's what helped me realise that she's been the only person that I can rely on recently - that she's been true friend... and I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose her.

That's why what happened between us, can't happen again. For the sake of our friendship... The only problem is, I haven't stopped thinking about that evening. Not just the way that my arms perfectly fit around her curves, but the energy of the moment, the connection, the way she made me forget about everything for a few hours.

It also isn't very helpful that today is the day we're analysing our pictures, not individually, but as a class... and we had to bring our partner for the task along with us.

Shes gonna see the photo- why the fuck did I submit it! I mean, it's a good photo, but I clearly didn't think this through...

"Okay guys, everybody comfortable?" Mr Rodrick yelled over the various voices in the room, beckoning them to be quiet after a minute of being ignored.

I turned to Alissa who is sat next to me. She's idly tapping her pencil on the desk, deep in thought as we wait on the class officially starting. I had no idea that Mr Rodrick would be demanding our partners along to the review, or I would not have sent him that picture! I don't really mind showing it to a class of people who don't know her personally, since you can't really see her face, but she'll know it's her! Out of maybe 30 pictures I took from that day, I only sent him 4, and hers just had to be one of them. What the hell was I thinking,

I'm screwed, oh well - goodbye cruel world...

After a long half hour of various photographs popping up on a slideshow, the majority being nature themed or of peoples pets, the first of mine flashed on to the screen. My already ragged breaths quickened in speed as the anticipation grew heavy and I could feel my palms beginning to sweat underneath the table.

The picture is of a small patch of dark and wilted weeds, one singular yet vibrant yellow flower growing healthily from the centre, despite the decay surrounding it. I noticed it almost immediately after entering the forest with Alissa, finding its ability to adapt to be encouraging.

I could feel my heart rate increasing as the next photo is displayed, anticipating the moment that the photo will flash on the screen... but thankfully it's just the picture of a tiny sunset coloured mushroom, the one that Alissa found. I only really captured it because she noted how awesome it is that nature imitates and reimagines itself in a million different ways, creating things that are easily recognisable or comparable to something else - sunset themed mushrooms, trees with knotted trunks that copycat our human facial features, cotton candy skies similar to what formed above us at the waterfalls rock pool.

"Hey, you okay?"

I felt a nudge on my side and turned to look at Alissa, nodding maybe a little too quickly in response to her worried expression. She looked at me, a flash of doubt obvious, before I turned back to the screen and sighed, blocking out the tap of her pen and the screen as the professor prepared to click to the next slide.

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