Chapter 3 - "To a sucky first day!"

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"Ew.." I mumbled to myself as I ate my breakfast by the kitchen counter, scrolling aimlessly down the 'please, my wets' Facebook page as a distraction.

It's now been about two weeks since me and Jennifer had our first real argument. I didn't take too kindly to being made a prisoner in my own home for an hour... but she's been weirdly nice to me ever since.

I stayed Scott that night to avoid her and when I returned the next day, things were much calmer. Almost too calm. She's even been attempting to crack a few jokes here and there, whenever she passes from the kitchen to her room.

I've not exactly forgotten what she said, but I understand that I cant hold it against her. I mean - she doesn't know my personal life, so I can't blame her for making comments about my family.

Everything with Jennifer aside, my life is hectic right now. My guitar still hasn't arrived due to transportation issues, my back feels like I've aged a good 3 decades thanks to the sofabed, and I'm already running late for my first class of the semester... I moved here specifically to avoid doing that.

Ah yes - gotta love life.

"Have you seen my keys!?" Jennifer yelled frantically as she came bolting out of her room, startling me.

I stood frozen at the kitchen counter, stunned by her sudden arrival, the spoonful of Cheerios that I'm scoffing is still half way in my mouth and my eyes are locked on her hurried movements.

"Dude, I'm serious! I need my car keys, NOW!"

I could sense something was seriously off with her almost immediately. Considering we've been pretty friendly lately, this is definitely strange. It isn't like one of her usual and frequent pissy outbursts.

"I don't know, sorry. Everything okay?" I replied after I sat my bowl on the counter and removed the spoon from my mouth.

"I just need my keys! I have to get to the hospital, Asap..."

The hospital?

"The hospital? Why?" I asked as I began to look under and around various items for her keys.

"Dont- I just need my keys... Please" She pleaded as her eyes landed on mine with sincerity, seemingly trying to avoid an argument, but begging me not to pry.

I nodded and silently continued my aid in the search, until a pillow that I lifted created a familiar jangling sound. I picked them up and shouted over to Jessica before throwing them gently towards her.

"Are you sure you'll be alright to drive?" I said, noticing how shaken she is, almost dropping the keys as she fiddled with them.

"I have to be..." She replied, taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm her nerves.

"I have my license, if you dont think you ca-"

"This is my business, not yours! Don't try to play a fucking hero, Alissa" She spat, allowing her anger to better her this time, but I understood and didn't bite back.

She's misdirecting her emotions because she's worried. I shouldn't antagonise her.

"It was only a suggestion, that's fine... I hope everything's alright" I said sincerely, backing off and grabbing my bag "I'll be back around 2pm if you need me"

I can't be mad. She's clearly just directing her emotions towards me because she's scared about something. Instead of lingering, I forgot about my Cheerios and turned to pick up my key before heading towards the door.

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