Chapter 5 - "I'll show you mine if you show me yours"

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The past week has been pretty crazy. Between preparing for my first exam and Jennifer reverting back to her old bitchy self again, it hasn't been much fun.

The morning after the party, Jen went cold on me. I think maybe sleeping in her bed crossed some personal boundaries that she was too intoxicated to realise at the time. I just hope it doesn't affect us since we had made good progress up until now - since then it's essentially been dead air between us.

I was honestly starting to kinda like her a bit...

Thankfully her brother gets out of the hospital today, which means Belle wont be staying at ours anymore. Although I've grown close to the girl and would consider her a friend, she can be really high maintenance. Especially when I already run around after Jennifer all day, seeing as no one else cleans or cooks.

In simple terms - I've been acting like a maid every day when I go home, leaving at the end of the day to return and repeat the next, but I dont get paid a dime for the effort. Not even in gratitude!

It's like these girls are just used to having a maid or something...

Currently, I'm lucky enough to be in class, rehearsing a classical piece of music for once. It's been a while since I learned anything classical in a fingerstyle arrangement, even though it was my favourite way to practice and challenge myself growing up. I was making decent progress through the first movement of moonlight sonata when Scott came and sat next to me.

"Hey! Queen of the dead still acting cold?" He quizzed the moment his ass hit the seat, twiddling his drum sticks between his fingers energetically.

"Take a wild guess... Belle leaves today and honestly, I'm not looking forward to the tension between me and Jen" I replied, screwing up my face at the thought of us bickering like we did in the beginning "I do want my bed back though"

"You'll pull through dude. She's not that bad... I think there more to this whole hot and cold thing that she's got going on with you though" Scott noted as he wiggled his eyebrows at me suggestively.

I slapped his shoulder lightly and laughed at his ridiculous insinuation. Before long, the lecturer clicked on to us talking rather than practicing, and told us to get back to work. After another hour or so of practice, it was lunch time.

Oh boy, am I glad to leave that classroom! Ms Hummel sure knows how to push you to your limits when it comes to learning the importance of a musicians ability to focus.

"Hey, Wait up!" Scott yelled from behind me as I made my way to the door, my guitar case slung onto my back.

"Whats up?" I asked whilst we walked side by side, so close that we kept clumsily bumping shoulders.

"Well, I was hoping that I could hear your original song for the exam tomorrow?" He asked, flashing me his award winning smile in the hopes that I would cave.

"I'm not sure... I just threw some chords behind some lyrics that I wrote the day after the party" I said, trying to steer away from the idea of performing it so soon.

"Please? I'll show you mine if you show me yours" He responded jokingly, giving me a few nudges as we entered the main cafeteria.

I sighed and gave in easily. Eventually agreeing to show him my song after classes end today. Considering he gave me the guitar that I wrote it on, it's the least I can do.

I've never managed to get in touch with the shipping company about my custom fender, I had to get a refund through my credit company instead. It was a pain in the ass, so he saved my butt this year with that little preloved Encore guitar that he gifted me.

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