Chapter 11 - "She moves quick"

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It's been almost 3 weeks since I essentially became Jennifers personal assistant... for the second time.

She's had me running around like a headless chicken, even worse than she did for James, not that I mind helping her out again - but damn... the girl has a lot of demands.

Everything from cooking her food, collecting the laundry from downstairs (because she refuses to let me give it to Scott along with my own), taking her to and from classes, and generally helping her get around on the daily. It has left me exhausted to say the least, most days I'm splitting what little time I have to myself between finishing my assignments and fulfilling my own needs... but I still can't say no to her.

Especially with the sudden arrival of some new bitch on the scene these last few weeks, threatening to undo everything I've built up, every possibility I've created of us finally connecting on a deeper level.

"Remember, Farrah will be over soon. You don't have to hang around if you get bored. Why don't you see what Scott is up to?" Jennifer yelled from her position on the couch, whilst I prepare her a bowl of cereal in the kitchen.

"Scott's busy today..." I lie, effortlessly.

I don't know what Scott is doing, I haven't asked.

"Oh- Well, you can chill with us or whatever, I don't mind. I just assumed that you'd jump at the opportunity to run away from me for a while!" She replied with a chuckle.

The sound of her laughter brought a familiar warmth back to my chest, calming the unfamiliar emotion that any mention of Farrah seems to evoke.

"Nah, I think your list of constant demands is the only thing keeping me going these days, Lancaster" I joked, handing her the dry as fuck bowl of cereal that I prepared, no milk, as she prefers "Here you go, fuckin' barbarian"

"Will you ever get over the fact that I like my cereal dry?"

"I highly doubt it, but I've learned to live with it"

We spoke for a while after that, Jennifer immediately mentioning that she has to visit her brother tomorrow for a bit. Belle text her this morning, informing us that she thinks Jens parents have managed to talk James into accepting a physio programme, and possibly worse, taking over their new store in another city. It's clear by Jennifer's tone, and the words she carefully chose, that she's not in the best headspace about it all - but being the realistic person that she is, she keeps repeating that it's his decision in the end - she can only accept whatever he chooses.

The conversation quickly fell silent when Farrah arrived, making herself at home and opting to squeeze between me and Jennifer on the couch.

I side-eye the girl heavily every few minutes, unable to pay much attention to whatever the pair are now speaking about. Instead, my focus is on how often their thighs touch. I can't help but feel angered by the proximity of the pair - Annoyed by the way that Farrah seems to have purposefully sat between us, in order to have Jens full attention, like a fuckin' puppy or some shit...

"So, have you put any thought into the movie that I text you about? There's a showing tonight at eight!" Farrah said as she casually-not-so-casually places her hand on Jennifers leg.

Wow, she's bold...

I notice Jennifers body immediately tense in response, much more than usual as she shifts uncomfortably with a stutter. Her eyes darting from the hand on her thigh, towards the TV, over to me - repeat.

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