Chapter 19 - "Young love"

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"Are you sure you're feeling alright, baby?" Jennifer says, eyeing me carefully from the driver seat of her car, flickering her eyes back and forth from the road every few seconds "You're whiter than a sheet of paper"

"I'm fine..."

Needless to say, I'm not fine.

I feel violently ill and my head is spinning every time I try to look out the window.

"Can we like, maybe pull over for a bit though? Like, soon-ish"

"Of course" She chuckles in response.

For the past three days, Jennifer has continued being super secretive about whatever this date involves. I don't mind that part, I'm actually quite excited to be honest... but I do wish she would've warned me about the 3 hour drive in advance. Had she told me about it before hand, I gladly would've alerted her to the fact that I get horrendously travel-sick after an hour of being in constant motion - but since she failed to do such things, her beautiful leather interior is now at risk of having a complete acid wash if we don't stop moving soon.

"There's some services about a mile ahead. I'll pull in at those, is that alright?" She nods towards the giant signpost, resting her free hand on my thigh for moral support.

The contact helps me focus on not vomiting over the windshield as I nod gently, closing my eyes and leaning my head back on the rest... for now, her interior is safe.

It isn't long before we're temporarily tucked away in the corner of a small and empty parking lot, one of the few that are scattered around the rather large and pricey looking service stop. Jennifer remained seated in the car, arguing with google maps, whilst I opted to pace around in the fresh air and attempt to stabilise myself.

"Okay, good news! We're only about 30 minutes away now..." She announces as she eventually exits the car, walking towards me slowly with a gentle smile.

"I should've maybe warned you about the drive, huh?"

"Yeah... I didn't realise we'd be travelling for so long, I'm sorry" I apologise, not wanting her to think that I'm ungrateful for all of her efforts.

"Don't apologise! I should've at least given you a heads up, that's on me" She replies with a chuckle, wrapping her arms gently around my waist.

"Come to think of it, I should probably warn you about another thing before we get there... uh, how are you with heights?"

I eye her suspiciously, now nervous of what this 'date' might entail after such a question - especially since we seem to be travelling out of the city limits, and the sun is going to begin setting soon - it's a strange question.

"Yeah, I do alright with them, but why?"

"Okay, good! That's all I needed to know... and it's the only hint that you get!" She responds excitedly, leaving a quick kiss on my forehead before heading back towards the car "Join me when you're ready to roll again, sweet cheeks. Don't keep me waiting!"

To say I'm intrigued yet confused would be an understatement right now, so I simply shake my head and take a few deep breaths to ensure I'm ready for the last stretch. Eventually, I follow in Jennifer's footsteps and enter the car so we can set off.

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