Chapter 21 - "That's all she wrote..."

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**CHAPTER ART IS BUGGED - it will be continued when the bug is fixed :)

Trigger warning** Brief mention of cancer - story is marked at the start and end of the trigger - please feel free to skip these paragraphs.


"Woah... what is all of this, Jen?"

I stare in disbelief at the sight before me, amazed that she somehow managed to sling it all together in the little amount of time that it took me to go to the store, only a few blocks away.

"Thank you! I do try sometimes" She smirks cockily, pulling me close to her by the waist and planting a gentle kiss on my lips, making my whole body warm.

"Happy one monthaversary, beautiful"

As cringey as this is, it's also adorable. I thought she'd forgotten to be honest, or didn't see it as that big of a deal that it needs to be addressed.

I blush as I smile and peck her lips again, allowing my sight to wander back towards the oddly constructed display. I scan the extra large blanket that's draped across the couch, supported on the other end by the Tv unit, along with various other items to hold it up in other places.

It's a simple little blanket fort, just for us. A cute and intimate space with various pillows and soft plush blankets strewn around underneath the canopy for us to be more comfortable. There's even little clusters of red heart shaped confetti scattered all over the floor around the entrance, and I can see the screen of her laptop illuminating the inside.

"Happy monthaversary, baby! This has been one of the best months of my life, thanks to you" I respond softly after finding my words, running my hand slowly through her short hair.

"How the hell did you do this so quickly?"

"I had everything planned out. I even did a test build when you were in class last week, just to make sure that I don't accidentally suffocate or crush us at some point, you know... then I hid the blankets and some other stuff in the wardrobe"

I stare at her in awe. The huge effort that she puts into the tiny moments between us never fails to make my heart flutter, every damn time. If you had to tell past me that this is how future me and Jennifer would end up, I'd say you're full of shit.

I can't believe she did all of this... just for us.

This might look like a simple and childish fort to someone else, but not to me. For me, it's a place that she's created for us to share together, to experience together, and create memories in. That speaks to me more than a box of chocolate or a gift card to celebrate, that's for sure!

"God, you're amazing Jennifer"

"Shut up, ew" She groans playfully in response, attempting to hide the blush by separating from me and taking the bag with the eggs from my hand.

"Go and check it out! I'll put these away. We don't even need them, it was just a diversion to get you out for a little while... I'm lucky that you didn't check the fridge before you left" She chuckles as she continues toward the kitchen.

"I pre-ordered us a celebratory pancake breakfast, just so you know. It should be arriving in the next five minutes - well, it'll be five if the courier can find the right apartment block this time..."

I smile even harder, excited for the fort date and pancakes to come. I head over to the sturdy looking tent and admire her handy-work, noting that the far end is tied securely to the floor lamp with the tie of her bathrobe, obviously for extra support, it's smart... but the sight made me giggle a little.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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