Chapter 15 - "What did you say?"

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I think the past week has to have been some of the best - and worst - days of my life.

Every day there's been a new assignment, assessment or pop quiz. It's driving me up the wall for the greater part of each day - but then I come home for the night and fall into a strong pair of arms, melt into soft lips.

Jennifer has been nothing less than an anchor over the past week, and although I didn't expect it, I couldn't ask for anything more.

Well... an incline as to what we actually are would be nice, but I can wait.

Currently, I'm lucky enough to have a rare 'rehearsal' day, seeing as we have a graded live performance tonight at the college auditorium.

We were all asked to compose and perform an original piece of work, based off of a concept given to the class last week - the concept being 'peace'. Obviously me and Scott worked on our project together, researching various movements and figures in history relating to the subject in order to try and find some inspiration somewhere.

Luckily, we managed to come up with a verse and chorus on the first night, leading us to finish the composition the next day. It's a decent song - if you don't mind me ringing my own bell - our only initial worry was that only we would it's any good. Jennifer thankfully put those worries to rest after agreeing to listen and gave us some feedback a few nights ago.

Technically, since me and Scott are already prepared, it means I mostly have a day of freedom. On one hand I'm relieved, but it also means that I have to stay distracted, or I'll start to worry about shitting myself (literally) on stage later tonight.

I sit up from my bedroll and email me and Scott's demo to our lecturer. Thankfully, he immediately gave me the green light and emailed me back, which means the song is good to go and so am I... good to go back to bed.

Since Jen is already away for early drills with the team, I fold my laptop over, place it down on the sofa, and drag myself into her bed. The sneaky opportunity is too good to resist. I need a real mattress right now. I love my shiki - don't get me wrong - but nothing beats Jennifer's mattress. I swear it's made of clouds.

I send her a quick text to say that I'm napping, just in case she tries to reach me, and before I know it I'm starting to doze off into a peaceful slumber, eased on by Jennifer's scent surrounding me. After a while, I thought that I felt something on the bed move, but I put it down to the sensation of falling that you get when your muscles relax.

I roll over onto my side, slinging my leg over what I thought would be a nice and cool bundle of bedsheets, but my leg met something else instead, causing me to jump as my eyes shot open to investigate.

"Well, hello!"

"Jesus christ, Jen! You scared the hell out of me! When did you get- Oh, wait... I'm sorry. I'm in your bed. I just wanted to sleep on a real mattress for a bit" I try to explain myself, feeling embarrassed that she returned so soon and caught me napping... in her bed.

"It's alright, relax. You can sleep in here whenever you want" She replies just above a whisper, kissing my forehead and sending a flutter to my chest.

I instinctually snuggle closer and Jennifer welcomes me, wrapping her arm around my body as I rest my head on her chest, settling my leg in between hers. This feels natural. I feel so at peace that I can't stop my eyelids from becoming heavy again, quicker than anticipated.

"Hey, do you feel alright? You're a little bit warm today, baby. You should stay in bed if-"

She stops in her tracks, as if she has just realised what she said.

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