Chapter 6.5 - "Dont Stop" (mature extra)

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(TW//Since some people can't read highly sexual content I'm keeping it in a separate 'smut specific' chapter. skip ahead if you need/want. you won't miss any storyline!)


"Please, don't stop"

My heart felt like it did stop, right then and there. Never in a million years did I expect to be in this position with Alissa let alone hear her say those words... and I never thought I'd like it!

My confidence only grew over her essentially begging me to continue, so without hesitation I closed the distance between us again, but this time it was different. This time we each felt like we had a purpose. Our hands moved with a heavier rythym and our lips danced a much more explicit dance as she allowed me to gain entry and explore. I could get lost in her lips for hours, they're so soft. I can already feel myself getting worked up extremely quickly, purely from the anticipation, which isn't like me.

Pace yourself...

I brought my hand to her hip and gently squeezed it before I moved upward, earning a soft moan from Alissa. I decided that I wanted to hear that noise again, so I brought my hand to one of her full breasts, sliding underneath the fabric of her sports bra to create more sensation. It worked, earning a deeper groan from the writhing girl.

Lost in the lust of the moment, I disconnected our lips and brought my mouth to her ear, continuing to work my hand as I sucked her lobe lightly before moving to explore her neck. Her hand quickly got lost in my hair, holding me close to her. I left chaste kisses, occasionally nipping with my teeth as I then travelled down to her collarbone. Focusing on the area, I removed my hand from her bra and tugged on the fabric lightly, asking for permission to remove it.

Alissa disconnected my lips from her neck for a few seconds as she lifted the wet fabric and threw it over onto the ledge, but just as I went to pull her close again, she stopped me with a hand between us.

"Can I?" She asked, biting her lip as she moved to pull on the side of my sports bra.

"Yeah" I nodded, suddenly feeling a little bit shy, but I lifted my arms for her when she began to pull it up.

After she lifted the fabric over my head and threw it to be with hers, it was like we both took a moment to just appreciate, to get lost in one another's bodies silently. I leaned down slightly to connect our foreheads, causing both of our eyes to close and my arms to wrap comfortably around her waist.

I've never studied someone like that, truly took a moment to absorb their beauty. I'm normally way too focused on not making a fool of myself in these types of situations. My usual self conscious thoughts are the furthest thing from my mind right now with Alissa stood in front of me..

"Are you sure about this?" I asked her hesitantly as I searched her eyes for any sign of feeling unsure or forced.

"I'm sure" She nodded simply.

This time it was Alissa who took the initiative and connected our for once, swiftly wrapping her arms around me and flipping us so that I was now against the ledge. I felt a strong rush of heat work its way down my body when she pushed her bare chest closer against mine, kissing me with more passion than before and slipping one of her thick legs firmly between my own. I've never had someone take control like this and I have to admit, I'm melting.

I could feel my arousal building with every prod of her tongue on mine, my mind barely able to keep up as I rested my arms lazily over her shoulders and gave her the control willingly for now.

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