Chapter 9 - "Sounds like a plan"

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I awoke and opened my heavy eyes with a groan, thanks to the sound of a loud clunking coffee machine grinding throughout the room. I wanted to sit up and curse at whoever it is, but as I went to move I felt something heavy laying across my stomach, keeping me in place.

I looked down, my eyes still squinting due to the sunlight gleaming through the window, but it's clear that a toned arm is firmly wrapped around my waist. A toned arm that is connected to a sleeping girl. A girl called Jennifer.

Holy shit...

On the outside, I stay completely still, still as a log, quickly deciding against cussing out whoever woke me up in order to remain in place. I even instinctually shut my eyes again, this way I can pretend I'm still asleep in case she wakes up or someone passes by.

However, on the inside, my heart is running close to a hundred miles an hour, my stomach burns with the feeling that only she can elicit from me. I'm now hyper aware of the way her finger is gently twitching against my stomach, causing shivers to run down my spine. It's hard to maintain a steady breath as I lie here, unsure as to whether I want her to wake up or remain asleep, staying wrapped around me like this for a while longer.

It hurts a little bit when I remind myself that she's not consciously doing anything. If she was awake right now, she wouldn't be doing this, but I try to ignore that thought and relish in the moment as it is. Before long, I felt her stirring thanks to a loud clanging from the kitchen. The weight of her arm left my body and I immediately felt cold, but I remained still with my mouth slightly agape, successfully playing dead.

I can't lie, I should be glad that she moved, because I was another minute away from caving and interlocking our limbs completely.

"Well, good morning sunshine! Sleep alright?" I heard Dantes heavy voice ask, revealing himself as the noise culprit.

"Hey, morning. Yeah actually, Surpringly well if I'm honest" She replied in a deep husky tone.

Oh wow, now THATS a morning voice I could wake up to every day...

I involuntarily smile as I listened to them, rolling over to face the opposite direction with a fake grunt and snort, smacking my lips and hoping it comes off as genuine sleep noises.

"You sure seemed comfortable" Dante teased, evidently eluding to the fact that he seen our prior position.

"What's it to you?" Jen replied seeming a little embarrassed but not denying the fact "Asshole"

"Get up, get showered. I need a running buddy today, we'll leave in 30. I went over and grabbed your kit bag earlier so there's no excuses"

"Aww no! C'mon dude! I really don't feel like it today, I'm tired"

"Fine! In that case, I'm leaving just now. I'll be at the track until around 12, so that gives your lazy ass 3 hours to change your mind. You know where I'll be, dick head" He whisper yelled with an attitude as he passed by, obviously trying not to wake me

Bit late for that one buddy, but thanks...

"Love you too, bro"

A few seconds of silence passed before I heard the front door swung shut, then Jennifer let out a loud groan, presumably after stretching like she usually does. Again, silence, only broken by one of her light sighs after a moment. I debated 'waking up' when the stillness continued - but suddenly, I felt the same heavy weight as earlier wrapping around my waist, only this time it's accompanied by her warm body, pressing flush behind me and gently pulling me closer.

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