Chapter 17 - "It's hard to explain"

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I awake from a peaceful slumber with a low and disgruntled groan, responding dramatically to the piercing ringtone of Jennifers phone alarm - and I groan even louder when I feel the warmth of her strong arm unwrapping itself from around my waist.

"Jesus Christ, shut up! I get it, dude... oh my god" She complains as she clearly fails at swiping to disable the alarm a few too many times, sighing "Sorry"

"It's alright" I reply croakily with a chuckle.

She returns to her previous position and we remain silent for a while, embracing each other contentedly, until she makes a point of lazily lifting her head to meet my gaze with a shy smile.

"Morning, sunshine" She whispers quietly as I stare into her eyes, getting lost for a second and almost forgetting to reply.

"Good morning to you too" I smile, my eyes taking a quick peek at the messy bed-head that's sticking up over her bandage "How's your head?"

I reach out from underneath the covers, grazing my finger lightly over the darkened and bruised skin around the white gauze. The hair beside her temple was shaved back a centimetre or so at the hospital yesterday, to allow the area to be cleaned properly and stitched, making the injury seem more severe than it is.

"Tender around the side and still thumping if I lay a certain way, but overall, I just feel like I have a major hangover"

She ends her response with a cute little chuckle, lightening the mood almost immediately after she noticed the hint of worry in my tone. The moment is short lived, her smile faltering slightly, until she continues to speak.

"It's already 12pm, so I'll have to leave for practice in an hour, plus I still have to tell Coach about what happened and figure out if I'll be benched this weekend... then I have a Psych assessment through Zoom at like 5pm, so I'll probably be busy for most of the day"

I paid attention to her words, I did my best to listen intently to her plans, but I was easily distracted by how deep and strong her morning voice sounds.

She could read the dictionary in that husky ass voice - and I'd listen to every word like it's my favourite song, on repeat.

"Okay... I've got a class today anyway, and then I'll probably hang with Scott for a while or something" I respond casually, but an intrusive thought takes over the second I realise something - something that immediately ruins my good mood.

"I guess that means you'll probably speak to Farrah today as well then, huh?"

"Yeah..." She replies hesitantly.

The whole 'Farrah' situation is clearly weighing on her mind today, but it's probably for a different reason than mine.

"I dont know what to do about it all, to be honest... It was an accident at the end of the day, but I can't lie to Coach! And now that she's my teammate, I can't risk fucking with the team dynamic by reporting her either! It feels like I have to choose between two really shitty cereal options" She rambles expressively, her strange comparison making me laugh a little bit.

Her brow raises as a cocky smile takes over her previously stressed features, as though realising something, causing me to eye her curiously.

"I mean, maybe I should just let you handle it. You seemed to do a pretty good job of making her regret her decisions yesterday..."

I can feel my cheeks immediately flush with embarrassment in response to her calling me out, referencing back to how I absolutely lost my shit for a moment. Clearly she finds the situation amusing.

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