Chapter 7 - "Oh, It's you"

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"Scott, it's nothing like that! It was just a random hook up. We're in college for Christ sake, the moment was there and we took it.... Plus, she hasn't even spoken to me since we got home that night. So it was probably all just a huge mistake to her" I explained , pulling the skin of my banana down and taking a bite with a loud sigh.

I adjusted myself so that I had my back propped against the arm of Scott's sofa and my legs flat along the seat.

I cant get her out of my head these past few days. Her eyes, her voice, her hands...

Classes ended a few hours ago so, just like I have done for the past 3 days, I went straight to Scott's apartment and lay down on his couch to avoid the rest of the day and complain about my problems, hoping that his usually sensible yet imaginative mind can help me figure things out, or at the very least distract me. I'm pretty comfortable in Scott's now anyway, considering I've also been sleeping here since that day.

"Why though? She isn't the 'spontaneous fuck' type, Alissa! Sure, maybe a few chick's at some parties last year, but those were drunken hook ups, alcohol being the middle man - not what you just explained" He replied, trying to create a clearer picture for himself, as if he can decipher the logic behind how her brain works somehow

I try my best to listen to his words and I want to believe them, I do. I want to believe that maybe  - just maybe - that day meant something to her. Something more than a physical release or mental distraction... but I can't. Not after the way she shut down that night. Not after the way she looked at me - confusion, anger, lust. Vulnerability.

"I don't think she knows what she wants, if I'm being honest. I was probably just a good distraction from everything right now, and I can accept that! I can... I just- I wish she'd talk to me about how she's feeling. Maybe I should've stopped it, she's been really stressed lately and she probably wasn't thinking clearly to begin with..." I said, tapering off into a mumble as I looked at anything other than at Scott.

"It's not your fault, so don't say that! Yeah, she's an asshole at times, but I don't see her as the type to just use someone like that" He responded with a sigh "Especially not you"

Scott stopped pacing and lifted my legs to lay them across his lap as he sat down on the couch. I crossed them again and got myself comfortable, finally finding the nerve to look at him.

"Maybe she doesn't know how to handle everything that happened! I mean, like I said, she doesn't usually do this type of thing, nevermind with her roommate. I swear, you can always leave it to the lesbians to have situation-ship drama " He responded dramatically.

"I guess... I don't know. I do kinda miss her though" I stated honestly as I took another bite of my banana and continued sulking.

"Then go over there! She didn't ask you to leave, did she? No. You just assumed she needed space and you still haven't tried talking to her-"

"Dude. You weren't there. It was all going good until we got home, then her shit got really cold all of a sudden. It's like I didn't exist. She just wanted me gone, I know it" I said, sitting upright with an urge to defend myself on the subject.

We weren't even back an hour and her whole demeanor just changed. It was weird....

**That Day, 3 days ago**

After our 'moment' we got dressed and sat on the blanket, talking about random shit like the possibility of extra terrestrial life, school, favourite foods and TV shows. We decided to stay and watch the sun go down together over the clearing, nestled in a comfortable silence.

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