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Los Angeles, California.

Damon's PoV

I leaned against the chair making myself comfortable while the man infront of me continued speaking which I didn't get any. I look around the conference room and everybody was listening to him keenly. Their focus was the man who was currently explaining the company's profit graph. All the shareholders were having a serious conversation in a while.

"As per the recent report, Salvatore corp. has been doing well from the last month in compare with a year and half. The company graph grows to 75% which for my view is a good response after seeing everything which happened between the span of a year and half." He finished and took his seat. They started murmuring within themselves making my head ache more.

Even though I didn't understand anything what he said but I could conclude that our company is doing better than before. I just hope they could come to a conclusion in our side. Our company wasn't doing well before and the shareholders decided to shut it down for good as the margin was very low but thankfully they gave us time limited to save the company.

"Mr knight," I called out and they immediately stopped discussing.

"Mr Bandoni, after deciding alot and seeing that you kept your word and the market price has been risen we come to the conclusion that we will continue work with you but..."

There you go again.

I knew that old man didn't give up easily. He has his ways and resources around the globe and right now I need him on my side or else we would lose the company.

"What do you want?" I asked direct coming to the point. I don't have time to waste on this man. I have more important thing rather than be with him in the same room.

"Though the company's profit risen but it doesn't change the fact that the company has been in a great lose for the past one and half a year. On that note, the shareholder has a proposition for you." Mr knight one of the important shareholder said.

"Go ahead." I said

"Since Mr Salvatore was the CEO and founder of this company with 60% share we decided to take 15% percentage of his share making us the owner."

"What the hell?" I yelled getting up from my chair knocking it in the process.

"Do you have any idea what the fuck you just said? This company belongs to Pearl Salvatore. He worked hard day and night to get this company in this position. You don't get to change the things." I finished banging my hand on the desk and they look frightened except for Mr knight who was smirking.

"Well Mr Bandoni the thing is Mr Salvatore is not here. It's been a year and half since his disappearance and the company is falling in his absence. We can't take the risk. Thousands of people will be jobless if this company goes down." He said.

I sighed knowing he's right. This company isn't doing good since Pearl decided to go vanish all of a sudden. I've been trying to manage both the side but this isn't enough. I can't let this company down along with the thousands of people only resource of income but I can't let this old man get a hold of this company. Salvatore corp. belongs to Pearl and there's no world in which he would agree to sale his share.

"I know it's a hard decision Mr Bandoni. So I'll make it easier for you. I'll be taking the 15% share of Mr Salvatore and you will announce the media that you're the new CEO of Salvatore corporation. In the meantime if Mr Salvatore didn't return in a month I will permanently announce my ownership and CEO position." He finished

A month?

"Fine. But you should know you are playing a very dangerous game Mr knight. Just make sure you don't do any mistake because the moment Pearl will back, you won't be here sitting on this chair." I said glaring at him.

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