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One and half year ago

[4th December]

A man was running across the empty hallway with a frown on his face. Every walls were painted white making him confused even more as every hallway looks the same. People in white coats are walking by and fourth everyone doing there job as it's normal day in any hospital.

"Excuse me, sir? Do you want anything?" A nurse with a tray full of medical equipments approaches the man who seems to be in his late fifties. He has a mix of black and white hair. His personality and appearance shows that he's rich.

"Yes, I'm finding someone." The man replied.

"Sorry sir but do you have a name? Is that person a patient here?" The nurse politely asked him.

"Yes, yes.. five years ago a woman was admitted here. Can you please tell me if she's here?" The man asked.

"I'm sorry sir but we can't give any information regarding our patients. It's hospital protocol." The nurse explained.

"I know. I understand. But she's my sister. Anastasia William, can you please check if she's here?" He said

"Are you Mr Costello?" The nurse asked and he nodded.

"Yes, I'm Alessandro Costello. Do you know where's Anastasia?" He asked hopefully.

"Yes Ms William is in room A4 . This way please." He followed the nurse. He could hear loud sounds and docters and nurses running here and there in hurry but he was too focused on seeing his sister after years that he didn't realized the person just crossed him.

"Bring her to the OT." A doctor yelled.

"She's losing blood, bring—"

The voices stopped when he opened the door and met with the woman for whom he's been looking for more than ten years. His little sister.

She didn't realized that someone was standing behind her. As she was reading something but when she felt gaze on her she turned and felt her blood turned cold when she recognised the man standing infront of her.





After their little reunion they finally let each other ago. They finally end the years of anger, pain and betrayal.

"I never thought I'd see you again." Anastasia said looking at her brother.

"I never gave up on you. I'm sorry it took me years to find you but as soon as I heard that you're in Italy I had to see you." He said smiling at her.

"How did you find me?" She asked.

"One of the docters here used to work for me. He informed me as soon as he recognised you." He said and she nodded.

"What happened to you? Why are you— she cut him off and explained him everything what happened five years ago and how she end up in coma.

"I don't remember anything further. I just woke up from coma two weeks ago and found myself here. I didn't even know when did I travel to italy." She finished.

"What? Where's Bella?" A sudden questions arises in his mind.

"I don't know. The doctor told me that someone transferred me to Italy's hospital and left me here without saying anything." By the end Alessandro was already fuming in anger. First, he got to know that Elena is death and someone tried to hurt his sister and niece and this all happened without his knowledge. He just wanted to find that bastard and make him regret ever living but he can't do that, atleast not now. Because right now, he's utter most priority is finding his niece who's probably in danger.

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