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Bella PoV

I stirred in my sleep and opened my eyes. The sunlight coming from the window indicated that it was morning. I looked beside the empty side of my bed. The other side of the bed felt cold. Pearl wasn't there, he never used to be. Pearl was a man who would never sleep in; even in his drunk self, I think he managed to wake himself before the sun rises. But again, it was Pearl. Even though he liked to hold me close when he slept he was never the one to sleep late, in his own way, Pearl was a different man.

I got up from the bed and my eyes moved towards the bunch of lilac flowers, my eyes immediately brighten up at the sight of beautiful flowers. I picked it up and brought it to my face inhaling the soft scent of the flowers. It was beautiful. A sticky note was attached to it.

Buongiorno, mia regina..

Spero che tu abbia dormito bene?

preparati e scendi a fare colazione

Good morning, my queen
I hope you slept well?
Get ready and come down for breakfast.]

I smiled at the note and then everything came down at me once. Me, running away from the mansion and then passing out in his arm and then waking up in the mansion and not to forget the conversation we had last night.

My heart skipped a beat at his confession earlier.

I love you, Bella

There was no hidden plan in his words, they were pure and vulnerable. I kept playing them in my head, slightly enjoying the beats of my heart. Did I love him? Was I over what happened? Pearl did apologize. And when he told me his side of the story, I thought to myself, that even he wasn't alone to blame. The exhaustion and vulnerability made my head fuzzy with all the thoughts.

I made my way towards the bathroom. And after a quick shower, I got dressed and made my way downstairs. For once, I was happy to see Pearl sitting there on the couch with a phone pressed over his ear and a newspaper in his hands. He kept talking something over the phone while his eyes skimmed over the newspaper. Not wanting to disturb him, I silently made my way to the kitchen.

As soon as I entered, Grace pulled me in a tight hug.

"God, you're here..." She sighed and then pulled away, "You scared me honey, please don't take off like that."

I gulped down and rubbed her hand soothingly, "I won't."

My eyes moved towards Melissa who was stirring the pancake batter harshly. Her eyes were fixed on the bowl and a hard look steadied her face.

I made my way towards her and said,

"Hey, there Mel."

There was no response from her as she completely ignored me. Her tight grip on the whisk said it all.

"Melissa," I called out softly.

She stopped and looked at me,

I flinched at her harsh tone, "I'm sorry."

She ignored again.

Sighing, I placed my hand over her shoulder and made her look at me, "I'm really sorry."

"Sorry?" She spat angrily, "That's what you really are? Sorry? Do you have any idea what happened after you ran off? Do you know the horrible thoughts that went through our minds?

"Mel, forgive me. I was scared." I said softly.

Her expression is softened immediately and she hugged me.

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