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Bella PoV

I growled feeling the ache in my back and opened my eyes to see Liam hovering over me with a worried look on his face. He had a cut on his forehead drawing blood, it wasn't deep but it looked nasty. He stared at me and took a sigh in relief when he saw me waking up. He immediately bring me to his arm and I hissed in pain.

"Shit! I'm sorry." He quickly let go of me and apologized. I shook my head trying to get up.

"Thank god, you're awake." He helped me getting up and just then I realized I was inside the car. I looked around and there wasn't anyone except Liam.

"Where's he?" I asked talking about Pearl and at the same time I heard the gunshots echoing everywhere. It didn't took me a second before I got up opening the door and heading inside the hospital.

"Where the fuck you are going?" I felt my hand pulled away and I glared at Liam.

"Sebastian is inside. I need to go." I told him and he just looked at me.

"No, you're not. You're not in the state to move." He said pulling me towards the car which was parked at the few distance from the hospital where a whole war was happening.

"And where do you think you're taking me?" I yelled

"Home. It's not safe here." He said dragging me but I pulled my hands away making him frown.

"You think I will let you drag me to home knowing what's happening inside?" I said raising an eyebrow. He sighed.

"Listen Bella. Pearl told me to take you home." He looked at me. "He can't protect you and kill them at the same time."

"And you think I'm incapable of protecting myself?" I scoffed and turned to leave when I remember about Layla.

"Where's Layla?" I asked worried looking inside the car.

"We send her to a near by hospital. She was injured." I nodded.

"Listen, I know what you're thinking but I can't let anything happen to you. I just got you." He took my hand in his looking at me.

"I'm sorry, Li. I promised my baby I would kill Sebastian and I won't stop until then." He didn't said anything and took that as a yes and turned to leave when he stopped me.


"I think you're gonna need this." He said and threw a gun at me which I caught successfully.

I smiled,

"Let's go kill some bitches."





"Bella, your four." I hit the man infront of me on his nose and duck pulling the man's feet who was coming at me making him fall on his knees. I turned towards Liam and smiled at him in acknowledgement. The man who was on the floor groaning in pain pulled my feet making me fall down with a thud and my stomach collided with the hard floor. I groan in pain clutching my stomach and stood up.  My fist collided with his jaw. The thought of something happening to my baby clouded my senses and I kept on punching him until I saw his soul left his body.

A painful grown escaped my lips as I touched my stomach. I can't loose my baby, not again. I need to find Pearl.

Pulling out the safety of my gun, I shoot the two men who was aiming their gun at me. They both fall down with a thud. I whimper in pain and looked around for Pearl but he wasn't in the sight. He must be upstairs.

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