Bella PoV
It happened all so fast everything was perfect for a few seconds as I confessed to Pearl and told him I was pregnant and then sebastian came ruining our blissful moment.
With clammy hands I shakily clutch onto Pearl's backside afraid of what would be our future.
"Aww how beautiful, bummer I have to ruin the moment." Sebastian chuckles murderously his lips set into a nasty sneer and his silver eyes twinkling maliciously as they glance from Pearl to me.
"I'm gonna kill you for what you did." Pearl growls shaking in rage from infront of me. Using my right hand I caress his back trying to calm him down as an anger mind is not a right mind.
My eyebrows furrow and my body freeze as I see a red dot on Pearl's back and I know just what that means, realization falling over me like a bucket of ice cold water freezing my limbs entirely and taking my breath away.
Quickly looking behind me I shudder when I see Ricardo pointing the snipper and winking at me. The red dot travels from my stomach to my head where it stays.
Silent tears trails down my cheeks and I try to move or tell Pearl but I couldn't, my body was frozen in fear. I was immobile and full of dread. Everything was a blur and I was unsure of what to do in this tight situation. Either I was going to die or Pearl was going to die trying to save me. Both options not in our favour.
Like a muffled echo in the distance I hear Sebastian's next words that remind me that this was really happening and I was indeed on the gunpoint with my life in the line, " You're in no position of threatening me especially when your precious queen is at gunpoint." His rough voice pierces my ears and my heart stopped knowing this was it.
The loud echo of gun being fired made me close my eyes and I hold on Pearl waiting for the impact or any kind of pain but I felt nothing. My heart started beating loudly and I opened my eyes to see a confused Pearl looking at me finding any injuries. We both turned behind and saw Ricardo falling on his knees with a bullet on his forehead. I followed the angle from where he was shot and there I saw papa stood there with gun in his hand.
His eyes traveled to us and he nodded in relief.
It was all silent until the firing started again. Two hands wrapped around my arms, I looked up at Pearl who was walking fast.
"Steve, take her now." He yelled and Steve nodded holding my hand.
"Pearl I-
"Go home now. I promise I will back to you and our baby." He said looking at me. I nodded and he kissed my forehead one last time before Steve dragged me out of the building.
Four men surrounded us and I heard Steve cursed in Italian before pulling out his gun and pushing me behind him. He shot one of them in the arm and at the same time two came at us but before they get to us Steve kicked them in the stomach twisting their arms making them fall hard groaning in pain. More men came running towards us and I took a step back.
"Bella, run." Steve yelled and I stood their watching him handling six guys at the same time.
"Fucking run Bella." Without wasting any second I ran hitting one of the men with my elbow who was coming at me. Clutching my stomach I ran fast as I could, Sebastian men behind me.
I stumbled upon a dead body but quickly regain myself before they could catch me. I successfully got out of the building running towards the car. I hurriedly opened the door but two strong arms pulled me making me scream in pain as they dragged me.
I'm not going to let them hurt my baby.
With every power I had in me, I pushed the two man hard and twisted their arms around their neck and kicked them hard in the stomach. My fist landed on one of their jaw and I heard a crack sound. Clenching my fist and pulled one of them by the collar and punched him right on his shitty face drawing blood from his nose and lips. A hand pulled my hair but I hit his nose with my head and wrapped my arms around his neck choking him. Another one came at me and I pulled him with my left hand and hit with with my knee and hit his head to the car window broking it into pieces.

FanfictionHe saw her, he saved her, he healed her and he claimed her; Only to lose her at the end. ------------------------------------------------ In a world overtaken by the mafia, there can only be one king. PEARL SALVATORE His name alone was enough to mak...