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Pearl PoV

"Call me if something happens." Putting back my phone in the pocket, I entered inside the room where Elena was shifted to. Steve and Antonio were hovering over the little baby who just opened his eyes. Just the sight of them holding the tiny human made my heart clenched in a very painful manner. The smile and joy on Antonio's face was visible and I couldn't be more happy for him. If things didn't happen like they did, then I'd have become a father. I'd be holding a little baby in my arms just like him.

"I know what you're thinking." I heard Elena said softly. I looked at her and found her looking at me with sympathy.

"I'm going to kill him." I stated coldly and she nodded.

I moved my eyes from her and looked around for Bella but she wasn't here. Grace already left so that she can prepare for the baby's welcome. Emily was sitting beside Damon while Mel was sleeping peacefully beside her. She must be tired. My mind drifted back to my girl whom I haven't saw from the last few hours as I was busy checking the securities.

"Is everything okay?" James asked looking at me and I sighed and nodded.

"I talk to the securities, this whole place is safe. Our men are stationed at every corner." He nodded and went back to his phone. I decided to call Bella as my patience was running thin and I needed to see her. She wasn't feeling good when we left for here and now I can't help but get worried for her.

The phone kept ringing but she didn't answer. I tried again but again it went back to voicemail. I don't know why but something doesn't feel right.

"Where's Bella." I asked to Damon who was playing with Vince. He looked up at me shaking his head.

"She went outside saying she needs fresh air." Liam said, "But she should be back by now." He finishes getting up. My heart started racing rapidly. Just the thought of her getting hurt spins my entire world. I need to find her before something happens.


"Where are you going?" Damon asked frowning.

"I'm going to look for Bella." He nodded and I walked out the room immediately wanting to find my girl.

The hallway was quite just few of my men guarding the floor as they were instructed to. My eyes moved around to find my queen as my heart beat increased with each passing second when I couldn't find her anywhere.

I checked every room but she wasn't there so I decided to look for her on another floor and walk down the hallway to find Bella and get her some rest. The hallway was filled with patients and staff working in the hospital. People were passing by doing there job.

When I couldn't find her I growl in irritation pushing people around trying to find her and make sure she's safe, "Where are you?" I sigh in frenzy.

I continue pushing people aside and they shout their annoyance and one sight of my menacing snarl and glare they cower away.

"Fuck off." I growl pushing the man that ran into me roughly. I looked to see the bastard and growl in anger at the sight of the Ricardo, Sebastian's right hand man. His eyes went wide in shock and a smile take place over his features as he recognised me, "Oh, Pearl. I'd love to chit chat with you but right now I have to catch your bitch before she wonders off." He says and mumbles something which made me proud of my baby.

"She's a one woman army." That's what Ricardo mumbled as he went to escape but I was not about to let him go so easily.

Does he think I'm stupid or something? I scoffed watching as his pathetic self tried to cockily escape my grasp.

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