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My favourite couple's back!!


"I don't care how you do it. If there's any human trafficking going on in any corner of Europe, I want our men clearing the entire sight."

I heard a chorus of yes followed by few grunts but my one look was enough to shut them up. They know they have no say in this. What I say will go without any argument. There's no room for arguments.

"Any news from our warehouse?" I ask sitting comfortably on my chair. I was having a meeting regarding last night incident. Sebastian may have died but that bastard still got loyal dogs working for him. They're just hiding and destroying our shipments and burning our warehouses.

"We got eyes, ma'am. For now it's neutral." I sighed already feeling a headache forming.

"Have our men guard the dock and inspect every person thoroughly." They nodded.

"Meeting adjourned." I stood up walking out when I heard someone call.

"Signora." He bowed a little.

"George." I smiled

"I know how the situation looks right now but don't worry I have everything under control." I patted his back somehow relief.

"Are you going to see the king?" I nodded

"Yeah, Damon hasn't left his side since last night. He needs some rest."

"You want me to drop you off?" He offered looking at me and then at my stomach.

I chuckled, "I'm just six month pregnant, George. The baby won't come out any time soon." I rubbed my belly gently and a smile appeared on my lips.

We bid goodbye before I sat inside my car carefully driving to see Pearl.

I arrived after 30 minutes and the security guided me where Pearl was. Damon already left because of his flight.

"Any news from the doctor?" They shook their head opening the door for me. I brought flowers on my way and placed them on the table before walking towards him.

"Hey, I'm sorry I couldn't stay last night. One of our warehouse got attacked but thankfully no body got hurt." My hand caressing his soft locks suppressing the urge to cry seeing him so lifeless. Various tubes and machines attached to his body.

After he got shot saving me and our baby, he fell to coma. I didn't understand what exactly happened but the doctor said he was lucky that the bullet just pass right below his heart.

He's been in the coma for 4 months with no sign of improvements. Doctor said the possibility of him waking up is very low but I have faith on Jesus and our love.

"You have to wake up, baby."


There on the screen was my baby. I could see her arms, legs and head perfectly. Nothing mattered at this moment. All I could see was our baby and the erratic heart beat.

"Did you hear it? That's our baby's heart beat." My eyes glued to the screen where I was seeing my baby, I felt numb. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I squeezed Pearl's hand who's laying beside me.

"He can hear that, right?" I ask the doctor who wiped the gel from my stomach then looked at me.

"Ofcourse. He's senses are working good. It's just his brain that isn't responding." I nodded at the doctor who left us alone.

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