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Pearl PoV

"Bella-love, wake up-wake up. Why she isn't waking up?" I screamed frustrated trying to wake her but she isn't moving. I put my ear above her heart and it's beating slowly.

"I think you should just let her rest, she's just unconscious. Let's go from here." Damon said and I look at my woman. She's finally in my arms. Her hair falling on her face as she rest her forehead on my chest. The feeling of her body against mine, it feels like home. She's my home.

The ride to the mansion was silent as we were trying to figure out the things happened in less than three hours. It was hard to process everything as there were few things which were still unclear to both Costello's and us but I'm happy as long as I have my love with me. I'm not going to repeat the same mistake not this time. We send the searched team to find sebastian but they couldn't find him. All the other mafias left to their countries.. I already ordered them to inform me for any sight of Sebastian.

I want to know everything that happened after the day she was kidnapped-the day I left her there. I need to know everything but first we need to be patience. She hates me. I know that. That moment when she pushed me away, I felt like my whole world crumbled down infront of me. The look of hate and rage was evident in her eyes. I know she needs time and I'm going to give her that however long it takes.

I don't care if she doesn't talk to me or worse hate me. I'm fine with everything as long as she's right infront of my eyes. I looked down to the woman in my arms. I had never thought that I would see her again.

Every day ever since Bella had gone, I was miserable. And the day I saw the van covered in flames, I-died. A year and half without her, the constant battle of my mind and heart made my life a living hell. I wasn't living my life, I was just surviving each day. Every morning the cold and empty side of the bed and woking up without seeing my Bella's face was the remainder of what I had lost and what I could never have. And then I would curse myself wishing that I was dead already. I was a strong person. A hard core stoned man. But Bella softened it. I began enjoying my life. I never admitted but her mere presence would brighten up my mood. The smile she would give me would dissolve my anger instantly. The soft touch of her skin and all the tension in my body would fade away. It was like magic. All those days, I never realised that I loved her. Or maybe I was scared to admit it. Loves makes you vulnerable, loves makes you weak, this is what I taught myself. But I failed to acknowledge that love can also make you strong, the power it beholds can build and destroy everything.

And after my love was taken away from me, I destroyed myself. I punished myself for the loss. I was never a heavy drinker but it was the only escape I found for myself. The hurt and pain I felt was unbearable. So I started drinking until I couldn't remember anything, until my body felt numb, all my senses froze. It was worst a year and half of my life.

That's why I decided to move on. It wasn't my choice but looking at how everyone around me was suffering made me think that. It was the hardest thing. It meant forgetting Bella, forgetting what we had. The soft touches, the sweet memories, the bitter fights and the love embedded in the depths of my heart. It was impossible for me to forget and act like it never happened. But now, when I decided to move on, life gifted me the past. My Bella stood infront of me.

I cannot believe that it wasn't Bella because I was damn sure that it was her. I thought my mind was playing games with me but the sparks I felt when I touched her skin weren't fake. The way my heart skipped a beat when I whispered her name wasn't fake, the clenching of my heart when she cried and pushed me away wasn't fucking fake.

It was real. She was real.

Halting of the car broke my chain of thoughts. I didn't realized that we already reached the mansion.

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