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Bella PoV

I exhaled loudly and closed my eyes shutting all the thoughts as I stood by the porch. I walked around slowly.

His words rand in my ear making it hard to breathe.

I want to be a part of your future.

When he asked me to go on a date with him, I didn't said anything. I just kept staring at him. His eyes which looked at me with so much hope and when he said that he want to be part of my future, my heart squeezed at his words. I wanted it, I wanted to have a future with him even though my mind kept refreshing me with the things he had done, I couldn't bring myself to deny him anymore. I wanted to give him a chance, because I know only Pearl had the ability to make my life as it was. He held the power to destroy my life or do hell with it. There wasn't a single day since I came here when he didn't proved how hurt and guilty he was for everything that happened. He did every possible thing to make it up to me even listening to my yelling without saying anything. He don't even say a single thing when I accused him of killing our child. He just stood there waiting for me to finish and then wrap his arm around me, comforting me. He thinks that I didn't notice him standing outside my room every night until I fell asleep. Even though I told him nothing would be normal between us like before but he kept trying. I know it wasn't just me who was hurt but he remained strong for me.

But I ran away

He was going to say something I wasn't ready to listen. Even though I halted his words before he could finish, but his eyes, I couldn't stop it.
Elena's word and the love I saw in Pearl's eyes it was all making my head spin. I was confused. I had no idea whether to trust him or not.

Did he really love me?

How is that possible? I remember back the time when I would be lying in his arms and when I would look up in his eyes, I prayed that someday he would love me too. But now the thought scared me, but the hope that I want the same thing freaked me out.

I sat by the fountain and closed my eyes, thinking about how things were suddenly occuring in my life. How did I end up here? Why and when I agreed to all of this? But then I realized, I was never given a chance to choose. My entire life was a mess before Pearl even appeared. I was forced to do things. I was forced to be with Pearl earlier, and play the wife role and ended up loving him.

But he never loved me back. Did he? He never did, it was all fake. He bought me from the auction because he wanted, he kept me because he wanted and he threw me when he was done. And I ended up getting beaten up and abused. I lost- my baby before I could even had the chance to love her.

My heart raced at the thoughts. Wiping my tears in haste, I look back at the big mansion. My heart clenched in self pity. How did I end up here with him? Pearl left me; he spatted his hatred on my face and banished me. He left me without any second thoughts. He didn't even care about the possibility of anything happening to me. Panic filled my senses and without a second thought I ran outside. The mansion slowly grew smaller infront of my eyes and before I knew I ran like my life was depended on it.

I was never the one to run away from problems. I hate to admit, but my father taught me to face every situation without fear. He taught me to be strong not just physically but mentally too. If I'm alive here, then it's only because my father knew I was a survivor. But I'm tired now. Tired with my life. I accepted everything that life threw at me with a blank face but I can't do it anymore.

My feet halted by the small cafe around the corner. I was in some town, small one. I sat on a bench and pressed my fingers to my ankle to soothe the ache. It must have been seven hours or more. The sky turned orange and pink, letting me know that I was away for almost an entire day. Pearl must be searching for me now.

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