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Bella PoV

Three years later..

I smiled involuntarily when an amazing smell hit my nose causing me to wake up from my sleep. I shifted in half asleep and stretched my hands founding the side beside me empty. Frowning I opened my eyes seeing empty side of the bed which was now cold.

I sat up straight and my eyes widen in shock yet amazement when I saw the room was filled with flowers of all kind. It was like I was sleeping in the middle of a garden. There were different kind of flowers with different colours and species. I looked beside me and sure enough there were my favourite ones kept on the night stand with a scented note.

Buongiorno, mia regina..

I didn't have to think twice as to who did this. Hopping off the bed, I moved towards the flowers and smelled each of them. It was all fresh and smelled amazing. But what caught my eyes was the bunch black rose at the center. It was mesmerizing. I've seen all kinds of roses but black one, It was one of a kind. I clearly remember it seeing it back in Italy when I used to spend my day in the garden cherishing the nature while reading books.

Smiling to myself the first thing I did was walking straight towards the nursery. The door was open but there wasn't anyone. The cradle was empty and so does the room. Panick filled my senses when I couldn't see her. Walking out of the room, I searched in the kitchen and the living room.

The whole place was empty, there was no sign of anyone. I slowly strode my way towards the gate while my eyes were staring what's happening outside confusedly. I felt worried that the house was empty and they were nowhere to be found but something was telling me that I shouldn't be worried at all.

When I walked out my eyes travel around sinking in the amazing sight infront of me. It's been two months since we came here for a short vacation. I wanted to travel across Europe but then we ended up in Queenstown, New Zealand.

The weather was extremely beautiful and chilly. It remind me the time we spend in Bora Bora but this place was anything like that. The green grasses, the hills, the waterfalls, it was breathtaking. For a second, I completely forget why I was here. Shaking my head, I walked ahead when something caught my eyes.

There were six hot air balloons with different colors but one of them, which was the purple one, was the one who's standing up because the rest were still lying on the ground.

"What's this? What's happening?" I muttered to myself confusedly. I was about to strode my way towards the purple hot air balloon when I noticed the things on the ground.

There were long stemmed red roses that were neatly aligned on the ground, forming a straight line towards the purple hot air balloon. Along with the roses, there were lots of sprinkled petals of different kinds of flowers with different colors too. My heart started thumping hard as I began following the line of roses while picking each of them from the ground in the process.

The last rose was carefully attached onto the basket of the purple hot air balloon. I took it. The flowers looked so pretty that I had to take them all.

"Hey, flower." My head snapped to the direction of the one who spoke. My eyes widen in surprise when I saw Damon smiling at me. Without wasting any second, I ran towards him and he wrapped his arms around me.

"God!! I missed you." I whispered causing him to tighten his hold on me. I never thought I'd see Damon today. It was totally unexpected since the last time I saw him was two months ago.

"I missed you too, flower." He kissed my cheeks smiling at me.

"What are you doing here? No-its not like I'm not happy to see you but, what's happening? Do you know where is he? I couldn't find them." Damon let out an amused laugh.

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