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As I looked infront of me, I couldn't help but notice how my life has completely changed. I was a stripper in the club and now here I am. I had nothing, no one by my side. Now I finally got my mother, my sister and a family that I have always wanted.

My family.

"Bella, come on. The foods getting cold." I shook back in reality and immediately engulfed with the chattering and laughing of people that I loved the most.

I looked at the people gathered for the family brunch. It's a family ritual that we spend an entire day with everyone atleast once in a while leaving the hectic work behind.

My eyes met my mother's. She was in green summer dress talking to grace. Two of the most important woman in my life, smiling and talking with each other.

My eyes shifted to my uncle Sandro and aunt Emma who were feeding their grandchild. James got married two years ago and was blessed with a baby boy. Kaden. As for Liam, my little cousin just introduced his girlfriend to us. She seems nice and I really hope this time he doesn't blow up everything

My sister was running around her three year old baby boy, Alessio. After Vincenzo, she gave birth to another boy right after they got married. I was escastic.

As always Mel and Steve bicker around like five year olds and I couldn't help but think they'd make a good couple. Maybe someday.

I chuckled watching Emily struggling with her three year old son, Artemis.

Emily and Damon got married after my second pregnancy. She was pregnant with Artemis at that time. I still remember the tantrum she threw when we're shopping for her wedding dress. Even though she was just six months pregnant, she whined like the baby was about to pop out.

I caught Damon and my husband arguing about something in the corner. Pearl looked mad. Ever since triad started a war with the Italians, my husband rarely get time to have a peaceful sleep.

He's been working every hour managing both the company and mafia. After I stepped down from the company to take care of our kids, it's been a chaos.

Even though Damon tried really hard but he has a family now as well. He's the company's COO and Pearl's right hand man. Both the jobs requires him on duty leaving his family.

As if sensing my gaze his he turned around, our eyes met but he looked away almost immediately. I frown. He's been distant a lot lately and I blame all the mafia work he do..

He comes home late at night covered in blood. I don't know whether I should be happy that it's not his blood or worried that one day our kid will see him like that and ask questions none of know how to answer.

I shook my head getting rid of the thoughts.

As for papa, he's smiling down at Thea as she showed him the drawings she's been working on. I can't believe my little girl is almost seven now. There's not even a second when Stefano doesn't spoil her with extravagant gifts. Yesterday, he bought her the new doll set which she insisted on having.

And today Pearl took her for shopping where she bought the entire store. I sometimes thinks they all do this on purpose.

My eyes roamed around to my two bundles of joy sitting happily on their grandmothers lap. Four years ago I gave birth to twins. We all thought it's just one baby but we got surprised in my last month that I was actually carrying twins, a girl and a boy.

Alessia Salvatore and Adrian Salvatore

Alessia is very energetic with her light brown eyes and her features similar to my mother while my little Adrian has got forest green eyes which I don't know from whom he inherited. He's calm and silent baby.

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