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Somone ordered, 'Mia Regina'?

Here you go....

Pearl PoV

"You took a lot of time, son." My father groaned shifting a bit. I looked away not daring to meet his eyes. He was in hospital gown with some tubes attached to his hands. There was silence expect for the beeping sound of the monitor. The doctors shifted him to another room. His wound didn't heal properly but he's okay.

"I'm sorry. I should've come sooner but-I couldn't." I said and stood up facing towards the window. The weather was clear unlike yesterday, it was raining like hell.

"Where were you?" His voice soft yet commanding.

"It doesn't matter, I'm here now."

I turned towards my father facing him.

"Get some rest, we'll talk later." I said sternly and he nodded before I left the room.

Elena was sitting there looking through the phone with a smile on her face. That smile I saw after ten years. I never saw her this happy before. I still didn't get over the fact that she's pregnant. I do had my few doubts on Antonio and her but I didn't get to act on that. Nevertheless, I'm happy for her as long as Antonio doesn't make her cry or he won't be able to see the next sunrise.

"You should go home and have some rest. It's not good for the baby or you to stay here." I said sitting beside her. She looked at me and smiled,

"Antonio isn't here, he's going to drop me home." She said.

"Common, I'll drop you." I said and stood up taking her hand.

"What about dad?" She asked looking worried.

"He can manage on his own for few hours." I said and she nodded picking her bag.

"Wait for me outside, I'll just inform the docters." I said and she nodded walking out.

After I informed the doctor and called Damon to come here quickly I left to find Elena waiting for me outside.

"Let's go." I said wrapping my arms around her shoulder helping her sat inside the car.

I quickly put on her seatbelt and did mine the same and drove off to my penthouse.




"Are you sure this is what you want?" Damon said for the ninth time. I ignored him looking through some of the files.

"Si. You're doing a good job and even uncle Alessandro is with us besides something tells me that the cops aren't going to sit for longer." I said closing the file and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Steve asked when I walk past him.

"I want to be alone." I said and left to my room taking my clothes off and stood under the shower. The cold water hit my body making me relax. I closed my eyes clutching the shower head.

I was leaning against the glass wall when I felt two warm hands wrapped around my torso as I felt a featherily kiss on my back. My hands automatically turned back pulling the person infront of me. My sweet little girl, my love, my Bella, she stared at me with her dark black eyes. Her brown hair falling on her face making her look even more breathtaking. She was wearing my shirt which was now wet showing her hard nipples. Her hands softly mades it's way to my cheek as she caressed them softly. I sighed and leaned my face in her hands.

My hands glides it around her small waist pulling her closer to me. Her breathe fanning on my face as she closed her eyes. My lips touched her soft neckline making its way to her jawline and finally to my favourite place, her lips. I took her lower lips between my teeth and suck on it. Her hands clutched on my hair as I pushed my tongue inside roaming inside her mouth.

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