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Double update!!

I got some private messages and they told me how much they liked the previous chapter, I was genuinely happy...

And since you guys are so excited to read the next chapter—do hell with the votes. I just wrote it after posting the previous one. Maybe some grammatical mistakes but please do ignore it.

I don't remember the name but someone wanted the next update in Pearl's PoV.

So, here you go baby...

Pearl  PoV

"Mr Salvatore, I hope prison wasn't uncomfortable for you.." Sebastian exclaimed forwarding his hand for shake but I glared at him. He immediately backed away.

I took my seat along with the others. I looked around and Sebastian men were everywhere. It was like he brought the whole Mafia with him in the convention. He was sitting right across me enjoying the cocktail.

"Shall we kill him here?" Damon whispered to me but I shook my head.

"Not now, we need to wait for the right time." I said and he nodded. After the information Dmitri gave me, it was clear he doesn't know about the Will. I already told everyone and we decided to wait for the right moment to kill him.

My father was shooting daggers at him but he seems unfazed.

Looking at him, it only reminds of the things he did to my Bella. The pain she gone through because of this m'fucker. If it wasn't because of my father I would have killed him right now.

Not soon, uncle Alex arrived followed by James and Liam. They took their seats but as soon as uncle Alex spotted Sebastian he pointed his gun at him. That bastard smirked, just enjoying it.

He's going to die a very painful death.

The lights turned red and the music played in the background. I turned to found few dancers started dancing. They all had mask on them.

"Alessandro." My father put his hand on his shoulder. Uncle Alex backed off fixing his suit. I felt a hand on my chest but I immediately swayed it away when I looked at two girls hovering over me. I glared at them and they backed off immediately.

My eyes landed on a woman who was wearing a beautiful dress, her legs were exposed as she was dancing holding the pole. I looked into her eyes and the same time she looked at me. Even though she was wearing a mask. I felt a weird when she looked at me and for some reason, I found her eyes really familiar. It was like her eyes were pulling me towards her.

I quickly looked away.

I touched the bracelet Bella left for me. I didn't took it off. It was the only thing which was holding me from being insane. It was the only thing which makes me feel closer to her. I tucked it safely inside my sleeves so I couldn't lost it.

The same woman with the familiar eyes walked upto Sebastian and sat beside him trailing her hands up and down his body. I looked at her, her eyes were showing something different from her action. She again looked at me and for a second I thought something flicker in her eyes but she quickly looked away.

"You're lucky that you're alive after the stunt you pulled in America." James spoke, glaring at sebastian.

"I just wanted to get to know eachother since we're going to work in the future." Sebastian said putting her hands on her waist.

"You really think you're the Don of the Bratva?" James scoffed rolling his eyes. I can imagine his reaction when he finds out he's not the Don of the so called bratva.

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