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I didn't think you guys would complete the target so early. I was astonished. And since I gave my word, I had to honoured it. So here you...

One more thing, I just saw today that my previous book. "YOU'RE MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE" had just reached 100k views. I was a rookie writer that time and didn't think that my story would reach to many people.

Thank you so much for the love you all showered on my previous books. It means a lot to me 💜

Please continue to shower all the love in this book too!

Bella PoV

The first thing I noticed when I got up was the glass ceiling above me. My hands involuntarily rubbed the bed sheets and felt the soft velvety feeling beneath my palms. I moved my eyes around and sat up slowly. I was in a room, a bedroom to be exact. I racked my brain over thousands of places I have been because this place looks oddly familiar.

I remember passing out when I jumped in the water. I remember Pearl reaching out to me. I got up from the bed and noticed the clothes I wore were different than the dress. I walked around the room, noticing the cream colour wallpaper and the huge wooden book shelve, I stopped in the middle of the room. I moved my eyes around and then the realization dawned on me that I was in my old room, I was in Salvatore's mansion.

No fucking way!

I gasped at realization.

The sudden news made me stumbled in my steps and I ran towards the closed window and hastily open it. The greenery, the garden, it was all same. I was in his mansion. He brought me here and he did it without asking me.

I battled through the room, pacing across it like a mad woman. The train of my angry thoughts was broken when the doorknob turned and Pearl walked in. He wore a white tshirt with blue pants. I glared at him as he walked in smiling at me.

"You're awake!" He exclaimed walking upto me.

"Where am I?" I asked clenching my fist and glaring at him.

He stopped and then looked at me, " I guess you figured it out, didn't you?"

"You brought me to the mansion."

He nodded, still analyzing my reaction.

"You have no right to bring me here without my permission." I said pointing my finger at him.

"I know."

"You have basically kidnapped me," I exclaimed with wide eyes, "Again!"

"That's not it looks like."

"Oh yeah? I asked him angrily. " You brought me here without my will. You have kidnapped me twice! You're unbelievable."

"Both the times for your own good." He answered.

"Own good?" I asked frustratingly. "The first time you brought me here because of some fucking contracts."

He narrowed his eyes for a fraction of seconds and then his lips tugged in a smirk, "That contract you're talking about is our marriage contracts."

I scoffed.

"Why did you bring me here, Pearl?"

He remained silent.

"Pearl?" I asked again.

Still silent!

I closed my eyes and take a deep breath and said, "I want to go back."

"You can't."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I won't let you and besides Costello's are still here. And even though if they weren't here you're staying here." He answered.

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