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First of all thank you so much for the names. I didn't thought you guys would actually search for it. When I saw the suggestions I immediately knew you all did a great job. The suggestive names were perfect as I wanted.

I hope u loved the chapter!

Bella's PoV

Cool breeze brushed past my skin making me feel tingle. The weather was warm and shiny. I took a deep breathe and the smell of fresh grass hit my nose. I closed my eyes and did what I was taught, firstly inhaling through my left nostril then release through the right. I did this procedure for about five minutes.

I've been meditating for almost an year now. After I woke up from coma, the docters did some tests on my brain cells and some part of my body to make sure I was fully healed. Everything was normal except for my mental health caused by what happened before the accident. Docters said it would be best if I'd take some medical help and do some meditating, everyone insisted on going for a rehabilitation centre. They said it would help clear my mind and lessen the stress I was enduring. I visited the centre and did what they told me to for almost two months. And it really helped me, it eased my pain and helped me focus on my goal. It helped me reached one step closer to my target.

One step closer to honour my promise. The promise I made to someone and I'm not going to sit until I fullfil it. And those who'll try to get in my way, won't be able to see the next sunrise.

I stood up and folded the yoga mat and made my way to the bathroom to take a shower. My phone rang before I could close the door.

I frowned, looking at the unknown caller ID.

I waited for it to stop but it ring again. I took a deep breathe and hold the the phone to my ear after sliding the answer button.

I waited for someone to speak but it was dead silence on the other line. As I was about to cut the call the person on the phone spoke.


It was a female voice but what shocked me was the name she called me.

"It's Andrea Carson." I heaved in sigh when I finally recognised who was calling me.

"Hold on a second." I said and ran to close the door behind me making sure it was locked properly. I did same with every windows in my room and slide off the curtains. After making sure the room was packed I spoke,

"Did you find anything?" I asked

"I have a good news." She said sounding happy and my lips stretched into a smirk.


"Speak then."

"Our target is in italy."

She said and the smile immediately died.


I couldn't form a word. The images of what happened in Italy reappeared making my heart clenched in pain.

"Hey, I know what you're thinking but this is our only chance."

She's right. This is our only chance. Since the moment I woke up I have been finding him everywhere.  Though I told my family that I want to travel and want to explore the world but it was all a lie. I've been searching for him from four continents following every lead but it all goes to dead end.

But this time I finally know where is he and I'm going to find him and kill him.

Just like I promised.

"When and where?" I said making up my mind.

"From the info I got, there's going to be a Mafia convention next week."

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