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Sorry for the late update everyone but I had an unavoidable situation at home. Hope you understand.

Pearl PoV

"What the hell is taking her that long?" I asked frustratedly looking at my watch. She had been inside the casino for almost an hour, I wonder what she's doing. The thought of any man touching her was making my blood boil.

"Don't worry, she can handle herself." Damon said looking at the laptop screen. We're monitoring the place where the vault was kept. Two guards were stationed outside the locker room. It would be easy to handle the guards but the important thing is the fingerprints. We can't open the vault without it.

"Bella? Are you there?" I asked through the earpiece but no response. Fucking hell she cut the connection. My mind ran hurricanes of thoughts of what's happening inside. I knew I was right when I said she shouldn't come with us. I didn't said that because I don't trust her and her skills but I just don't want her to suffer again. And the important reason was that I don't want any man nearing her.

But she was player. She knew I won't agree to her for coming along with us, so she talked to father and as always he can't refuse her. Just her one look and he would melt like a fucking pudding. Well I wasn't any less. When I saw her walking down the stairs wearing that white dress, it felt like my whole world stopped, it was just her. I was restraining myself from pulling her in my arms and kiss her senseless. I can't do that not yet. She finally started to trust me again and talk normally rather than glaring at me with the murderous look.

I was glad when she didn't went to LA with her mother and Elena. I thought she might leave me but she didn't. I know the reason and it wasn't me. But I was happy as long as she was right in front of my eyes.

My phone rang and her name pop up on the screen.

"Where the fuck are you?" I asked cutting her off.

"Meet me at the backdoor. Don't forget to bring that bag." She said and hang up.

"What happened?" Damon asked raising his eyebrows.

"Remind me to never let her go in any mission."





"Are you sure she would be here?" Damon whispered looking around. I nodded waiting for her to show up.

The door open and she walked slowly looking around. Her hair falling on her face as she looked around breathlessly.

I come out of the shadow and immediately pulled her,

"Are you okay?" I asked as soon as her eyes landed on me. She heaved a sigh and nodded but immediately pushed me away.

"Don't touch me." I frowned at her sudden action. She didn't look angry but panicked.

"You're destroying the fingerprints." She said making me frown.

"Where's the bag?" She asked and Damon handed her.

"What happened? Where's Ricardo?" He asked

"I spiked his drinks. He's sleeping his ass off." She said and walked inside but I held her.

"Where are you going?" I asked

"I'll be just back. Wait here." She said looking at me and then walked inside.

After few minutes, she finally came back wearing different dress and holding the dress she wore previously.

"Did you get the fingerprints?" Damon asked and she smiled viciously and throw the dress to him which caught.

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