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And here goes the next chapter!

Bella PoV

"What the fuck!"

It was all came out of my mouth after seeing Sebastian at gun point, but what shocked me more was the person pointing his gun at him. Uncle Sandro, he was pointing his gun at sebastian but that bastard was just smirking. My eyes diverted to my cousins who were sitting beside him with a mad look on their faces.

What the hell are they doing here?

My mind was spinning just thinking about the possibility of uncle Sandro knowing what the Salvatore's do. Maybe for a fraction of second I could say that my uncle was helping them because they are business partners but this is not the company's meeting. It's mafia convention for fuck sakes.

Not soon, I spotted Steve and Antonio sitting beside my cousins whispering something to each other. George was too there standing behind papa—not again.

I spotted Damon and beside him was the man of the hour, sitting on the couch with the others. His whole presence spoke power. I mentally rolled my eyes when I saw few girls sitting each side of him. They're trying to get his attention but Pearl's eyes were set on Sebastian. If looks could kill, Sebastian would dead by now.

Did—did he knows?

I admit, Sebastian is an asshole but he's not a fool. He would never tell Pearl that I was pregnant, he knew the outcome. But seeing Sebastian all in blood and flesh, sipping champagne, Pearl doesn't know anything.

My blood instantly boiled when I saw the monster who killed my baby. My hand clenched around my dress trying to hold myself before I kill him. He's death is inevitable. He will die and I'll make sure not just him but every soul in this room remembers that.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked behind me,

"Are you okay?" One of the girl asked, it's hard to recognise them in the mask. I realised I was staring too long at them and immediately calm myself before executing the plan.

The lights turned red and soft sensual music was playing in the background. I started swaying my hips holding the pole which was placed in the centre. The girls started dancing around me. I looked around and there's was more than fifty men's with weapon inside the room.

Even though my target was right infront of my eyes I couldn't help but get worry. I knew the Salvatore's would be there but never imagined my uncle and cousins would tag along. There were few more new faces. And judging by their looks and attire I assume they are the other mafia princes.

The plan was to evacuate all the mafias except for the Bratva. I knew Salvatore would try to stop but I came prepared. No matter how much I hate them, I would not let anyone of them get hurt because of me.

I need to get my uncle and cousins out of here, asap.

I felt a soul piercing gaze and looked up to see the only person who manages to take my breath away. He was looking at me straight into my eyes. It was like, he was trying to see me behind the mask. I quickly looked away latching my left leg to the pole. I remember few steps when I used to work in the club.

They all were sitting right infront of me in distance. Uncle Sandro was talking with senior Salvatore. My eyes landed on Damon who was about to stood but Pearl held his hand. I couldn't hear what they were saying but the tension inside the room was high.

I need Sebastian attention and for that I need to get close to me. I knew he had weakness for women. I smirked and walk straight to them swaying my hips and just like I thought, Sebastian attention diverted from James to me. He looked me up and down and smirked.

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